Mais uma entrevista de Kimi que deixei guardada para postar agora....

SPORT BILD: Mr. Räikkönen, when did you last pee in your garden? 

I don’t know the exact day, but it wasn’t long ago. 

You revealed in your biography that you like to pee in the garden. As a retiree, will you be doing that more often again? 

Sure, it’s normal for me. When I was a kid, we didn’t have a toilet in my parents’ house. Where else would you pee? Of course I’ll continue to do it. I have no problem with it. If I have to, I have to. 

With 350 races under your belt, you’re the record holder in Formula 1. How much will you miss the pinnacle of racing? 

Only time will tell. What I already know is that driving is the only thing I liked about it! I may never set foot in the paddock again. Formula 1 was never my life. There were always things that were more important to me. Nothing will change that. I didn’t quit because I lack the energy, but because I have better things to do than sit in airplanes and stay in hotels. 

Do you already have plans for your retirement? 

No, and I don’t want to make any. My children want a dog, but we haven’t decided on that yet. Maybe it’s enough for them for now that I’ll be spending more time at home again. 

What are you most looking forward to? 

That a vacation is once again a vacation. Otherwise, we only had the summer break. That was two and a half weeks in which you had to keep training and always had in the back of your mind that afterwards it would be back to normal madness. 

What things will you take with you from Formula 1 into real life? 

(thinks for a long time – and remains silent) 

You are said to lie as if you were in a Formula 1 car when you’re driving in private, too. 

That’s right. But it’s like peeing in the garden: It’s normal for me. I’ve gotten used to this position over the years. 

Do you also adopt the driving style, or does that cause trouble with your wife Minttu? 

She never complains, but I also drive very slowly and always stick to the speed limit. 

You never get caught by speed cameras? 

Now and then, yes. But in Switzerland you’re only allowed to drive six km/h too fast. That happens quickly. That’s why I drive very concentrated, so I can see the speed cameras and slow down beforehand. But I only drive rarely and when I absolutely have to. 

You drove your first and last lap in Formula 1 in a Sauber. Was that the perfect farewell? Or are you frustrated because you only drove at the back of the field in your final season? 

What is perfect? I’m just glad it’s over. Even the fact that I couldn’t finish the last race doesn’t matter. 

What was your career highlight: the 2007 world championship title with Ferrari? 

I don’t know. A victory is always a victory. You get 25 points for that. A few were very easy to win, a few were more difficult. Maybe the ones from 2007 are a bit more important. 

What was the best advice you received? 

A lot of people tried to give me advice, but I didn’t listen to any of them. I’ve always done my thing and have no regrets. I would do everything the same way again. Everyone has to know for themselves what is best for their life. The boss can’t tell you what to do. 

Are you a legend? 

People say that. 

And what is your opinion? 

I’m not interested. I know who I am. I am Kimi. 

You said that it used to be normal to do everything on the car yourself. And about the new generation of drivers, that there are “assholes” who “sit down at the prepared table thanks to their fathers’ millions.” How much does Formula 1 today remind you still of your early days? 

Today the cars are much more reliable. In my early years, every race was like gambling in a casino. You never knew what you were going to get that day and whether you would even get to the finish line. But it doesn’t matter if you like the development or not. We drivers don’t decide the rules or where we race. We’re just employees of the teams, just like mechanics. Formula 1 is not interested in our opinion. 

 Is it still the same sport? 

Since it’s still about driving the car in circles as fast as possible: yes. We now race a few more times a year and also in new countries, but in the end it’s not about the stuff around it, but about 20 drivers in 20 cars. 

Critics see it differently. 

A lot has changed in the past 20 years. Especially because of social media. But that’s the case all over the world and not just in Formula 1. Fans can see virtually everything now. Tendentially too much. I can only repeat myself: The drivers are also just employees. 

Are you the last Räikkönen we’ll see in Formula 1? 

I don’t know. My son or daughter don’t need to be in racing. They should just do what they feel like doing. Just like I did. 


Kimi e suas respostas diretas, sem enrolação... hahahaha...

Beijinhos, Ludy


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