Simplesmente aproveitem a preciosidade que é uma entrevista sincera de Kimi Räikkönen. Abaixo ele fala sobre como foi ter a sua biografia publicada (leitura obrigatória para qualquer torcedor de Kimi. Eu tenho a minha cópia e sempre me emociono quando releio algumas partes), sobre o momento mais doloroso para ele na vida, a morte do pai. Enfim, muito bacana a entrevista. Kimi Räikkönen’s biography “The Unknown Kimi Räikkönen”, written by Finnish writer Kari Hotakainen, will finally be released in Italian in May and it will be an encounter with the true essence of the “Iceman”. "It’s 1981 in Karhusuo, Espoo. It’s night time; the boy is restless, he can’t get to sleep. His mother is trying to soothe him, picks him up again; the boy has always liked being held. He’s very different from her other son, who is two years older; he’s more sensitive, with his feelers out. At last the boy falls asleep in the early hours of the morning. The next day, on her way to work, the exhausted...