Kimi sobre Robin, paternidade e a vida

Sport Bild: Mr. Räikkönen, how is your mood right now? 
Kimi Räikkönen: That depends if you annoy me or not. 

You are now a happy family man and seem much more relaxed since you have 2 kids. 
May be. I don’t know. My life has become more exhausting but also happier. But privately I always have been a completely different person. Probably people always imagine that I would have a totally crazy life. But it’s not like this. Only my job is just a bit different. That’s why I have to give interviews and I’m in the papers. Although I don’t like this at all. 

How have your children Robin (3) and Rianna (1) changed your life? 
A lot. When you hear for the first time that you now are becoming a father, you have no idea how life will change. Robin asks many questions, that you have to answer first. I like how innocent little children are, how free in their mind. At the same time Robin is my new best friend. Life really starts with children. It has a bigger meaning. 

In the past you were the Iceman, who couldn’t even upset anything in the car, and who was known for his laidback lifestyle. And now?
I was scared when I first held my son in my hands. I was tense when I picked him up at the clinic. I didn’t quite know what I should do when he screamed the first time. With the second baby you have already routine. 

Is Formula 1 less important now because of your children? 
No, because Formula 1 was never my life. I can separate that. Extremely actually. My private life is completely different than my life at the track. I love racing, not the rest. That’s why I won’t have any problems when I have to retire eventually. My buddies noticed early on: “Don’t ask questions about my job. You won’t get serious answers.” I don’t like to talk about my job in my private life. 

Does that apply also for Robin? 
He is now at an age where he notices what I do. For example, that my car is red. He asks and he is the only one who gets answers. 

Will Robin become a racing driver? 
I don’t know what Robin wants to do. He is definitely interested in cars and bikes. Like his father (laughs). If I had not become a racing driver, I would definitely have done something with cars. Even if everything was very different back then. My first car was a Lada. Today I drive Ferrari.  What’s funny: In the car Robin never wants to sit at the back but always in front. One thing is certain: he can do whatever he wants. I force him into nothing. 

Does it make you happy when Sebastian Vettel praises you and says he wants to keep you in the team? 
In any case it’s better than if he would say that I’m an idiot. In fact he says that also but more rarely (laughs). Seriously: we have always got along well. With him there are no politics or other bullshit but a totally normal male friendship. Of course I would like to stay but that is alone Ferrari’s decision. I wait for it same as you do. 

How is such a friendship possible in a highly political sport? 
He is very straight forward and hasn’t changed with his success. Even when we sometimes crashed, it’s not a topic anymore after we talked about it. Also after our crash in Singapore 2017 there were neither discussions nor silence. He is a guy who can admit that it was his mistake and I’m the same. It is much better to work in this nice atmosphere. That also makes the car quicker than if we would be at war with each other. We both have the same aim: make Ferrari the world champion. We complete each other very well in our ways to push the team. 

In Spielberg you finished ahead of Vettel, in Hockenheim you apologized for holding him back. Will you help him in the title fight against Hamilton? 
At a certain point in the championship, the team has priority. That is clear for me then. I’m not just here since yesterday. For me that is so normal like when you do an interview. 

source: Sport Bild, 1.8.2018

Eu poderia ficar o dia todo ouvindo Kimi falar sobre paternidade! Que coisa mais linda!!!! Olhem para isto... "Eu estava assustado quando eu segurei meu filho em minhas mãos pela primeira vez. Estava tenso quando o peguei na clínica. Eu não entendia muito bem o que eu deveria fazer quando ele gritou pela primeira vez. Com o segundo bebê você já tem a rotina".

Nunca imaginei na vida ouvir Kimi falar que sentiu medo de algo. Este é definitivamente o efeito da paternidade na vida dele.

Em 95% desta entrevista o Iceman fala sobre Robin, como o pequeno é seu novo melhor amigo, que ele está na fase de perguntar e observar tudo e que vai apoiar o filho no que ele decidir fazer no futuro. Enfim, vale demais a pena vocês lerem. 

Beijinhos, Ludy


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