O dia de hoje na Ferrari: Kimi e Vettel

Kimi not entirely happy with handling yet

It was not an ideal day, one of those days you struggle to make the tires work and get the car where you want. I wasn’t doing any proper lap, but today it’s only practice, I’m sure we can improve for tomorrow. Overall I think we just have to work on the set up to make it as we want and then it should be ok. We have a new engine and new parts on the car, so far it has been working well. We wouldn’t use any new thing if we did not expect it to be good.

Seb unfazed by electric problem in practice 

Looks like we had an electric problem, but I am sure we can fix it. Still, it is a shame, because now we are lacking some laps, especially in the long runs on race trims, which would have allowed us to see how competitive we are. But Kimi did the homework for the team, so it is not too bad. Also, here in Russia we know roughly what to expect. I think we can still learn a lot from what other people did. In Qualifying trim we still have some stuff to improve. I think the car was getting better though. The track was quite dirty in the morning and then during the day it came more towards us. I felt happier as the day continued, it’s true that for the race we are lacking a bit of information, but we will see tomorrow morning, when we have another practice session.

Fonte: formula1.ferrari.com

Para Kimi não foi um dia ideal, eles tiveram algumas dificuldades com o acerto dos pneus, mas deu para coletar alguns dados e como foram apenas nos treinos livres ele espera melhorar para amanhã.

Para Vettel foi um dia de problemas em uma das sessões, mesmo fazendo o segundo melhor tempo. Mas como ele disse, é possível aproveitar os dados coletados pelo time com o companheiro para melhorar no que for necessário.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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