Que Jenson fique!
Fernando Alonso: "Jenson has been quite good all season. We’ve been working together very closely to help the team. The experience Jenson has, it been very, very important for the upgrades we have brought to the car, in terms of the power unit and aerodynamics. So if Jenson stays I think it’s a good thing for the team. If they decide they need to change something there will be some advantages and some disadvantages for the team, I guess. The only thing I can say, the only thing I know for sure is working with Jenson has been very, very productive for the team and for myself, learning a lot of things. Working with the other guys, I cannot tell much. But they will make the decision they think is the best for the team and hopefully they do it before Christmas time." (fonte:teamjensonbutton)
Eu NÃO preciso dizer quem eu quero que fique certo?!
Pôxa já não basta tantos problemas, será que não eles podem deixar meus mocinhos em paz?!!?? afff
Bjuss, Tati