Arrivabene: I don’t care about not polite Alonso

I don’t care about not polite Alonso says Arrivabene

Ferrari F1 team Principal Maurizio Arrivabene says that he doesn’t care about unfavorable comments from ex driver Fernando Alonso.

Alonso left Ferrari at the end of 2014 after five years to join McLaren-Honda, the Italian squad replaced by four-time champion Sebastian Vettel.

While the Spaniard struggling with McLaren, Canadian GP underlined the first time Alonso DNF three consecutive races since his career first season racing for Minardi, but he still says that he is happy with his move.

Following the Canadian GP race DNF, when the media asked if he is starting to regret his move to McLaren, Alonso replied: “No definitely not.

“I was here for five years talking to you about finishing third, fourth or fifth and that was a lot of frustration. To beat Mercedes you have to do something unique and different and I believe in this project.

I don’t care – Maurizio Arrivabene

When asked about Spaniard’s attitude during an interview with the official F1 website, Arrivabene says the Alonso’s comments don’t bother him.

“I am thinking about Vettel, about Kimi (Raikkonen), and about the team,” Arrivabene said.

“The team is above everything. And people can say whatever they want. I know that what he said is not polite, but I don’t care.”

He is also claims that the main reason the team had lost its edge in last few seasons was down to losing its team strength.

“When I first came I saw a team that was quite divided – most of the guys were very defensive and I thought to myself: this is not the team that I recognise. My first task was to put them together again.”

Asked about the difficulty of running arguably the most well known team in the sport’s record, he confesses: “Of course I feel the responsibility. That is for sure! But if you remove for a second the pressure that is given by the media it is a wonderful job.

“My dream for years was to one day come back to Italy to do something for my country, and now I’ve been lucky enough to find the best job that Italy can offer. For that I am very happy.

“Yes, I am surrounded by pressure, but I am also surrounded by good people, and that helps. I try to lead them in the right way without changing myself. I am listening a lot to our president (Sergio Marchionne) who is giving us suggestions, support and who is someone who has a lot to give when it comes to the business side.

Original no site da Formula

Cara... sinceramente nada vindo desta gentalha da ferrari me surpreende... hehehe

Isso tudo é super natural, afinal, Alonso trocou a ferrari para algo que hoje está BEM pior, e ainda assim está rindo (mais do que ria nos dois últimos anos). E isso deve ser meio estranho para quem se acha o último biscoito do pacote!

AH!!! Este papinho ridículo de "equipe dividida" e "equipe em primeiro lugar" ... arghhh!!! Me livrei desta palhaçada! hehehe

É ÓBVIO que ODEIO ver Alonso nesta situação, mas prefiro isso (ou a aposentadoria!) do que ele guiar novamente um ferrari. 

E sem arrependimentos!!!! hehehe

Que sejam felizes, eles da ferrari! :)))) !!!! hehehe

Bjuss, Tati


Sabrina disse…
Esse arrivabene é tão chato quanto montezemolo e afins. Parece q a ferrari escolhe sempre alguem mais arrogante pra ficar no lugar dos que foram demitidos. Essa entrevista mostra o quanto arrivabene se contradiz: primeiro ele diz que não quer saber o que Alonso disse, mas depois diz que ele nao liga só que ele nao achou educado o que alonso fez.Ou seja, mais uma vez ele tenta por a culpa no alonso só q aí ele vem com esse discurso pronto de que ele só se preocupa com a equipe dele. Alguem acreditou nisso? hahahahah

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