A diferença subiu de 10 para 17 pontos

"It was a tough race, with tyres, brakes and fuel all on the limit. The problem for me was to cool my brakes behind Lewis. I had to take different lines to get some fresh air. In the last 10 laps I ramped up the pace and started to attack by using some of my electronic Hybrid power, which I had saved until this point. But the problem is that your team mate's engineers always have knowledge of your activities and can ask him to ramp up the pace too. So, he was mirroring what I was doing and there was no chance of a surprise attack. That was a bit of a shame - but it is how it is. Really, I lost it in qualifying so I need to do a better job there and get together a perfect weekend like in Spain. I'll move on now and look forward to Austria, where I have very good memories from last year with my win."

Se quiser esse campeonato tem que dar jeito de ser mais rápido na pista e politicamente tem que firmar melhor sua posição na equipe. A área política precisa ser melhor trabalhada ou é melhor procurar uma outra equipe. A cara de pânico de Toto Wolf quando Nico chega perto de Hamilton na pista é visível para o mundo tanto quando a alegria quando o inglês vence. A política precisa ser mais forte na equipe se quiser esse campeonato. Não se pode ser bonzinho. 

A diferença subiu de 10 para 17 pontos.

By Lu


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