Robin Ace Matias Räikkönen
Tudo neste post é fofo. Minttu e Kimi estão sabendo nos dar um pouquinho de Robin sem precisar expor o pequenino e ao mesmo tempo, satisfazendo nossa curiosidade. Eles controlam o que deve sair sobre o filhote e o fato da noiva do Iceman ter seu próprio blog para compartilhar histórias como a que segue abaixo é uma prova disto.
Adorei a origem do nome Ace. Pronto, agora já super mega blaster master entendo a escolha, que no começo tinha soado estranha para mim. Gino mandou bem na argumentação! rsrsrs...
Aliás, uau! Fiquei supresa dele ser o padrinho, esperava Toni, por razões óbvias, mas fico contente que tenha sido Gino, fico mesmo. Isto só comprova o que a gente sempre viu por aqui, a amizade dos dois é grande para ele receber tarefa tão especial.
Enfim, a história do nome e do batizado de Robin (que aconteceu na Páscoa) é contada por Minttu, abaixo. Não deixem de ler!
During Easter we had our son’s christening in Finland. The name was already out in the open because in Switzerland babies already get their names before they are born. We thought about the name for several months and had quite a few options. Naturally the name has to go well with the surname, but we also wanted a name that would be easy to pronounce abroad.
In the end we decided on Robin, or rather I did and luckily Kimi also thought this would be a good name for our boy. Our good friend, and Robin’s godfather, Gino came up with the second name Ace. Gino also works at Ferrari, and makes sure everybody there calls the boy Ace. I like names that have a story behind them, and Ace definitely has that :). This is the message I got from Gino while we were thinking of names:
”Ace is for sure with the make up on one of the most recognized guitarists ever !! Everybody know Kiss faces !!
So Gino says Iceman is one of the coolest sports people ever , could he have a child with a normal name ??? No !!
Aceman is the son of Iceman making sure that the cool DNA continues with the Raikkonen name :-)”
The third name Matias is also Kimi’s second name.
We kept the christening small, just among our closest friends and family. It was very laid back and exactly what we wanted. For me it was a very emotional day, so there aren’t many printable pictures of the red eyed mother. However, the rest of the pictures are wonderful thanks to my cousin Lotta
Kaikille Aisteille took care of the catering.
Para encerrar, a foto de Kimi com Robin nos braços ao lado de Gino. Gente! Eu nunca vou me cansar de ver Kimi sendo pai, é a coisa mais linda ever!
Beijinhos, Ludy