Visitinha do chefe

Foto de ontem de Kimi fazendo uma visitinha à IceOne em Valkenswaard. O boss foi conferir como andam seus pilotos.

Prominent visit and mutual respect this afternoon in Valkenswaard as Ferrari F1 star Kimi Räikkonen, hot of finishing 2nd last week in Bahrain, chilled out this afternoon in the relaxing surroundings of the IceOne Husqvarna awning together with ex-Liverpool FC star Sami Hyypiä, Giuseppe Luongo and his charming wife Ursula. MXGP supremo Luongo, the man who has turned MXGP into a truly global series in recent years, expressed his gratitude to the Finnish F1 champion: "We are delighted that you have shown such interest to support our sport and wish you further success." Kimi's IceOne team has even upstaged the Cairoli-Villopoto hype so far this year as Max Nagl has raced the blue-yellow rocket to three wins in the first four GPs.

Author: Alex Hodgkinson


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