Team radio: o que pode e o que não pode!

The FIA has chosen to enforce a ban on performance related team radio between team and driver in an attempt to remove the stigma that drivers are simply 'puppets' controlled by higher powers within the team.

The ban, which comes under Article 20.1 of the sporting regulations which states: "The driver must drive the car alone and unaided," will see a drop in the number of radio broadcasts simply because the majority of messages at present are performance related. But under this ban, what exactly can they say, and what can't they?

Note: This list provides a few examples and is in no way exhaustive.

Banned Team Radio

- Fuel: If a driver is low on fuel, using too much or too little, then this information must be displayed on their steering wheel.
- Brakes: Too hot or too cold? Would a driver benefit from moving the balance forward/backwards? Well this can't be communicated via the team radio.
 - Tyres: If the driver has a slow puncture, wearing the rears too much compared to a rival, then the driver should identify the problem and report it to the team.
 - Codes: Mix 5, Hammer Time, Map 2, etc. These will also be banned.
- Formation Lap: The team cannot request a certain number of burnouts, start procedure, brake/tyre warming etc, this should all be agreed beforehand.
- Timing: How often have we heard, driver X is quicker through turns 7 and 8, try saving ERS for this section. This won't be allowed.

Allowed Team Radio

 - Team Orders: As team orders are allowed under the regulations and not considered performance related, but strategic, they can still be communicated.
 - Traffic: The team can still inform a driver if they're approaching traffic or if they need to open a gap - this happens mostly throughout practice and qualifying of which the team radio limits remain in place.

- Pit Stops: The team can call a driver in for a pit stop, or communicate a certain lap to stop on. - Safety: If a radio call is for safety reasons, this is allowed. For example if someone has stopped on the circuit, or if there is debris, the team can pass this information to the driver.


E qual a conclusão disso tudo?! VAI DAR MERDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fora que os caras mudam as regras NO MEIOOOOOO do campeonato... Putz!!

É muito amor MESMO, porque olha...

Bjuss, Tati


Kyna disse…
o kimi tá vibrando c isso! deve ter sido ideia dele.
Sabrina disse…
É por isso que muita gente nao leva mais a F1 a serio. Os caras querem ficar mudando a regra no meio do campeonato. Só na F1 existe uma falta de profissionalismo desse nivel. E o pior é que as equipes aceitam como se fosse normal. Por que eles não fazem algum tipo de protesto? E o mais ridiculo são aquelas mudanças que só duram 1 prova e depois volta ao normal. Como assim?

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