Kimi Raikkonen: Ferrari Formula 1 team is 'not stupid'

Kimi Raikkonen: Ferrari Formula 1 team is 'not stupid'

By Ben Anderson

Kimi Raikkonen says Ferrari is "not stupid" and knows what it needs to do to close the gap to the frontrunners in Formula 1 this season. 

The Scuderia has struggled in the first three grands prix of 2014, managing a best finish of fourth while Mercedes has dominated at the front. 

Raikkonen, who won a race for Lotus last season but has yet to finish above seventh this year, said he had confidence Ferrari could turn its poor form around. 

"At least on paper [Bahrain] was the hardest track for us but we have some new parts coming and hopefully we improve," Raikkonen said. 

"We know what we have to do. The people are pushing 100 per cent, but it takes time. That's the fact. "We are not stupid people, we have good things going on. 

"Unfortunately right now it's not the prettiest thing when you look at the end of the race, but I have belief in the team that we can turn it around. 

"I've been with this team and other teams having a hard time and I'm sure we can get it right." 

Raikkonen was still happier with the set-up of his F14 T in Bahrain, despite another difficult race in which he was hit twice and complained that racing the Mercedes-engined cars was like being in "a different class". 

"I think we improved the car - it feels nicer," added Raikkonen, who is missing this week's in-season Bahrain test, but will drive on both days at Barcelona after the Spanish Grand Prix in May. 

"The feeling is better but obviously the results don't show that. 

"We have a lot of work to do and we can only push forward. I'm sure we can be stronger in the next race."


Sinceramente Kimi se você acha que este time aí é capaz de algo bom, de consertar algo neste lixo que eles chamam de carro, bom para você. Para todos vocês. Pena que eu realmente NÃO ACREDITO neste poder de recuperação da Ferrari.

Eu já joguei a toalha e só para deixar claro, a ÚNICA razão pela qual vou assistir às corridas é para te acompanhar, porque o resto para mim, simplesmente ACABOU.

Beijinhos, Ludy


wagner disse…
Hehe ,Ludy, Kimi tem razão, kkkk, a Ferrada não é estupida, mas IMCOMPETENTE, kkkk
Ângela Lima disse…
Vamos concordar em discordar.
bryan disse…
Mais uma prova da imcopetência da Ferrari : foram para o teste do Bahrain com um chassi danificado !! Problema provocado por uma saída de pista de Kimi na semana passada (nos treinos livres de sexta - nesse mesmo circuito). E eles só descobriram isso no segundo e último dias de testes !! Alonso só pode dar 12 voltas !!!! E isso tudo depois de Montezemolo fazer uma visita ao quarto de hotel de Alonso no final de semana para dizer que o time daria o Máximo para ganhar performance !! Afinal, a culpa é de quem ??

Mas é claro que a culpa é do Kimi que não "avisou" que o chassi estava danificado, e do Alonso porque... porque... sei lá porque... pouco importo o motivo mas a culpa tb é dele!!!!!! hahahhhahahaahahahahhahahaha

Bjuss, tati

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