The Iceman is the boss

The Iceman is the boss (Jäämies on päämies)

Iltalehti 12.7.2013 (paper edition)
By Riku Korkki (

Kimi Räikkönen has become the most interesting driver in F1-circus by far. But how can a few-worded Finn make that happen?

When winning his first race after the comeback in Abu Dhabi 2012, Kimi Räikkönen walked relaxed to Lotus-team's group photo holding a beer bottle.

In BBC's broadcast David Coulthard remembered a story that Mika Häkkinen once told him.

Two Finns sit in a pub. One of them asks what his day was like.

– Did you come here to talk or to drink, the other one says.

The story describes Räikkönen well, but it's only part of the truth. Today Kimi can walk laid-back with a beer bottle in his hand, but he doesn't fall in a boat completely wasted - at least in public. He has gone through a tough school with the media. If a world famous star screws up in public, then it will also be the topic all over the world.

There is a new kind of confidence in his voice when comparing it to the shy interviews he had during his first years in F1. The Iceman still doesn't run his mouth with unimportant things, but he dares to be himself.

Räikkönen's edges caused disapproval in both team managers and in media at the beginning of his career. Kimi wasn't any favourite boy among the F1-fans either, despite being an extremely talented driver.

In year 2013 everything is different. Räikkönen is a golden nugget to Lotus off-track also. Everybody wants a piece of the Iceman. Whether Kimi is silent or talking he is still always the topic in the media and among fans.

People from all over the world have understood that Räikkönen is not rude. He is himself. The rock star in F1.

Communication wizard Harri Saukkomaa says that Kimi's brand has rised up to the sky and started to live a life of its own.

– This is typical for a strong image. Fans embrace it and keep it up, Saukkomaa says.

– Räikkönen could be compared to the deceased Steve Jobs from Apple. Both are "crazy perfectionists" in their own way.

Better than Prince Charming 

Saukkomaa is a former top journalist who switched to the other side of the fence. Nowadays his company Tekir Oy offers consulting in communication to Finland's top company managers. The goal is to create exactly similar strong mental images which surround Räikkönen.

Saukkomaa tells that when it comes to Kimi it's not a case of a carefully planned illusion.

– I doubt anyone would deliberately plan a celebrity who replies to questions with one sentence or doesn't reply at all.

– That would had been a huge risk.

According to Saukkomaa image-choices usually succeed only if they have some edge. A solid foundation is also required. In Räikkönen's case it's his driving skill. Kimi is without any doubts one of the world's best F1-drivers.

There is also a more secretive side related to Kimi. Tabloids speculate for example about drinking, women and trips in a gorilla-suit.

– This reinforces the persona you see on the F1-paddock. A credible person also has another side, a hidden side. The saucy side offers a facet which Prince Charming lacks.

 – However I emphasize that I don't know Räikkönen as a person, I only analyse the image I see in the media.

Fierce demand level 

Steve Jobs was at times unbearable to be with. Räikkönen again gets very well along with people. Yet the duo has one thing in common; extreme perfectionism.

The fiery comments he gives in the team radio describe very well what kind of a fighter the Iceman is behind the steering wheel.

– He demands terribly much from his co-workers. Company managers should also strive for that in their own organizations.

Saukkomaa also thinks that Räikkönen can totally concentrate. He always races flat-out in races and when he is off work he is really relaxed.

– Kimi has a Buddhist attitude. He appears to be present in every moment.

Fonte: Iltalehti (edição impressa) / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Que reportagem bacana!!!! Eu, como sou do meio da comunicação (mesmo não atuando mais na área), sempre me pego analisando o poder da imagem de Kimi. O que ele representa na F1 atual.

O que o Iceman é hoje e que faz a maioria das pessoas (os não fãs, obviamente) curtir o piloto, não é diferente do que ele era quando a F1 o achava preguiçoso, descompromissado, desmotivado. O que mudou hoje é que as pessoas veem Kimi sem o preconceito imposto por sua ex-equipe e a maioria dos profissionais da mídia especializada que precisava desta visão errada e distorcida de Kimi para ter audiência.

Sim, obviamente o Iceman estava cansado da F1, e sim, ele tem defeitos, mas a forma como o finlandês foi incansavelmente "massacrado" em 2008/2009 pela maioria da mídia, e deixado de lado por sua equipe, só comprava o que disse acima.

Para exemplificar melhor, adorei quando o jornalista finlandês comentou sobre como o mistério da vida pessoal de Kimi ajuda na construção desta persona que hoje, tem vida própria na F1.

"Isto reforça a persona que você vê no paddock da F1. Um pessoa confiável tem também um outro lado, um lado escondido. Este lado apimentado oferece uma faceta que falta à do Príncipe Encantado".

É exatamente este mistério sobre a persona do Iceman, do jeito que ele leva a vida e hoje, mais do que nunca, age como quer e bem entende pelo paddock da F1, podendo finalmente ser ele mesmo, que atrai a admiração de tantas pessoas.

Na pista ele sempre foi de talento inquestionável. Fora dela, só seus fãs o admiravam. Hoje, o mundo enxerga o Iceman com um novo olhar. 

Beijinhos, Ludy


Anônimo disse…
"People from all over the world have understood that Räikkönen is not rude. He is himself. The rock star in F1."
Aí está o perigo de querer ser vc mesmo!
Mas como diria Leminski:
"isso de querer ser exatamente o que se é, ainda vai nos levar alem"
Acho que Kimi chegou lá!

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