F1: Jacques Villeneuve ''bets everything'' on Alonso and Raikkonen

F1: Jacques Villeneuve ''bets everything'' on Alonso and Raikkonen 

Adapted from GMM 

Jacques Villeneuve, the 1997 world champion turned TV pundit, thinks Lotus' Kimi Raikkonen would be a good bet for this year's championship.

"I said before Australia that it would be Alonso and Hamilton for the title, now I think I would bet everything on the Spaniard and the Finn," he is quoted by France's Auto Hebdo.

"This could be Ferrari's year," the French Canadian added in the Italian media. "The car is fast, although maybe it's a bit difficult to drive. Perhaps he will also have the support of Massa this year."

The Enstone based team, however, had a much less impressive weekend in Malaysia, just a few days after Raikkonen's Melbourne win.

"It's true, we didn't have a good race at Sepang," technical boss James Allison is quoted by Speed Week.

"But the damage was done in the first few laps, when we fell half a minute behind, but Romain (Grosjean) was only 35 seconds behind Vettel at the end. Sepang didn't show what our car can really do," he added.

However, Grosjean and Raikkonen have both spoken about how good the black E21 is, whilst expressing fears Lotus might not be able to keep up with the development pace of the better funded top teams.

James Allison insists: "The most expensive thing is bringing the car to the track, not developing it. We've also noticed that it is relatively easy for us to find promising developments in the wind tunnel. And we have lots of ideas about how to develop mechanically."

Team boss Eric Boullier told Brazil's Totalrace: "I think Romain has all the same upgrades as Kimi for China. We have parts arriving for every race and will keep working hard. It will be interesting."

Fonte: www.auto123.com/ 

Villeneuve apostando em Kimi? #choquei #Ludyvenenosa rsrsrs...  

Agora sério!!! Eu li que ele falou sobre a forma como Alonso e Räikkönen são fortes candidatos exatamente porque possuem estilos de pilotagem que ajudam na conservação dos pneus, porque são pilotos de corrida e não de se matar em classificação.

Gostaria eu de poder ver Kimi lutar pelo título, gostaria mesmo, mas se ele estiver entre os 3 novamente, já me darei por muito feliz. Sei que talento e competência para estar na briga pelo título ele tem, só que a Lotus precisa ter carro e mesmo com a vitória na Austrália, a corrida na Malásia mostrou que as coisas serão bem mais complicadas.

E você está menos ciumento agora Jacques?! #Ludyvenenosa2 rsrsrs... 

Beijinhos, Ludy


Kyna disse…
acho q so no inicio quando o raikkonen estreiou que o villeneuve criticou - q novidade!

pelo menos nao me lembro de o jv falar algo sobre o kimi, ate pq o estilo de pilotagem deles é bem parecido.

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