Faaala, Nico...

"In the dry conditions I had a great balance today and everything went perfectly which was nice to see. Once it began to rain unfortunately we weren't able to get the most out of the car and at the end of Q3, my tyres were worn as some parts of the track were drying and I wasn't able to improve my lap time. We have a good car for the race and a strong starting position from the third row of the grid so I'm looking forward to tomorrow. We should have some good opportunities and will need to make sure that we make the most of them." (NicoRosberg FB)

Chuva sem vergonha essa. Nico vinha realmente bem nas primeiras duas fases do treino. Mas a sexta posição não é tão ruim mesmo. Terceira fila é logo ali e já descontamos a largada ruim do Webber, embora isso seja um problema. Tem que tomar cuidado para não ser atrapalhado pelo canguru.

By Lu


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Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!