Raikkonen shows his wild side in Zoom photo

Raikkonen shows his wild side in Zoom photo 

Foto tirada por Kimi Räikkönen

Kimi Raikkonen is widely renowned as being one of the most talented and daring drivers in Formula One and clearly loves all forms of racing. We saw this when he left F1 to try his hand at rallying. The Iceman keeps his eye out for all manner of exciting forms of racing, the sort of thing which might make those made of lesser stuff feel a little queasy. The photo he has taken for the upcoming Zoom charity auction is good evidence of this.

Raikkonen's photo for Zoom, an auction of signed photos taken by every F1 driver and team principal in aid of Great Ormond Street and which takes place in London on Friday with online bidding opening one day after the live event, might appear strangely dull and uninspiring at first glimpse.

"There are black, gold reflections and red in the picture; that reminded me of the team," says the Finn. "I was about to go to the track on Friday in Melbourne earlier this year and officially become an F1 driver again after two years away."

On closer inspection however, there is more than meets the eye to the photo.

Initially it appears to be merely the top floor of a multi-storey car park, but note that there are no barriers around the edge. Then there are the tyre tracks suggesting that some brave devil might have been pushing a little hard, maybe even racing. Note the arc of the tyre marks, the obvious drop over the edge. It looks like it might even have been raining. Scary.

The photo is one of 50 in the auction and fans who want to bid for them should keep an eye on the Zoom website as well as its Twitter and Facebook.

Check out our Zoom gallery, which is updated on a regular basis, here.

Fonte: www.pitpass.com

Vocês se lembram quando postei sobre o evento beneficente onde alguns pilotos e pessoas do automobilismo tiraram fotos que seriam leiloadas para um hospital de Londres? Quem não lembra, aqui está. Então, o Iceman também participou e a foto dele, de Vettel e Trulli, postei para vocês.

Confesso que surpresa com a presença de Kimi. E devo dizer, este finlandês é realmente uma pessoa cheia de mistérios. Enquanto a maior parte da galera escolheu fotografar momentos de lazer, de dentro da pista, de paisagens ou de animais, o Iceman fotografou algo digamos, abstrato. rsrsrs...

No fundo, eu adorei, em especial porque a explicação dele diz muito. Meio que resume o fim (quando ele deixou a F1 em 2009, com a menção ao vermelho) e o recomeço, preto e dourado (ok, este ainda estou procurando...confesso... rsrsrs) da equipe que o trouxe de volta. #KimiOArtista rsrsrs

Iceman, sério! Você é um personagem!!!! #adoro

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Abaixo deixo as fotos de nossos octetes que participaram deste evento beneficente e as explicações de alguns sobre suas fotos. Se quiserem ver todas, cliquem aqui ou aqui.

Foto tirada por Jarno Trulli - GP da Índia 2011
Foto tirada por Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian Vettel chose the Red Wall mountain in Austria for his image. "I know the area really well," he says. "I went on my first skiing trip there with my family and my good friend, Joschi Walch, who ran the hospitality unit when I made my F1 debut and now has a hotel in the area. I love to go to the region on holiday." 

Foto tirada por Nico Rosberg
Nico Rosberg says of his photo for Zoom that "Singapore is one of my favourite races. I love the atmosphere and that´s why I have chosen this picture. The picture was taken just when we go to the driver’s parade with all the classic cars. My driver is already waiting for me. Here you can see the beautiful grid girl, later on the starting grid in general you don’t notice this because there are so many things to do just before starting the race. The highflyer you can see in the back. It’s always special, when the race starts in the light and later it’s becoming dark when the night comes. Singapore has become like a second Monaco in the calendar. I have a good friend living in Singapore and I therefore like the venue very much. I always spend more than a week in this amazing city." 

Foto tirada por Fernando Alonso
Fernando Alonso photographed his team mate Felipe Massa at the annual Ferrari skiing event. "Events like these are special because, for once, they allow you to spend time together away from the frenetic pace of the race track and the working environment of the factory. It’s a nice way to get to know one another better and to find the sort of understanding you get with a second family. I think these events are part of what makes Ferrari a special team, different from all the others."

Foto tirada por Jenson Button

“They gave me a camera and this was the first thing I saw – so I thought it would be funny to get a shot of Martin [Whitmarsh]. I’m not sure if he’s looking at me with a smile or a smirk! We have a lot of fun together and I think I just wanted to take him a little by surprise. This picture tells you a lot about where we work – I think it’s the end of a practice session at Spa-Francorchamps, so what you see here is very much the average working day of a Formula 1 driver.” 

Beijinhos, Ludy


Carlos disse…
O dourado é o piso do estacionamento. Reparem que a mesma linha vermelha (Ferrari) que aponta para uma 'saida' é a mesma que traz de volta (Lotus, bem indiretamente). Inspirado.
Marilia Melo disse…
Kimi realmente surpreende!Acho que o preto e o dourado são as vagas de estacionamento e o lugar de passagem dos carros. Onde tem a descrição do Kimi?
Ludmila tem foto do ALonso também... Está no Facebook... hehe

Ontem quando fiz o post não tinha. Só uma do besta do Dodô. Vou atualizar!


É verdade Carlos. rsrsrs Valeu!


Milton disse…
Dado meu medo de altura, definitivamente eu NUNCA correria ali nem a pe!rs

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