Muito cedo para dizer onde estamos

That was a busy day for us as we needed to learn a lot about our new updates” Nico commented after the second session. “It always takes some time to understand how things really work on the car, and there is a lot that we can take away from today to study overnight.In general, I feel we have made some progress but it is too early to make any predictions of how the weekend might go from here.”(quote by Mercedes)

De duas, uma: ou Nico está de saco cheio de dar entrevista e comentar o dia de trabalho ou a Mercedes anda mesmo uma nhaca. Todo final de semana é o mesmo palavreado. POde ser que sim, pode ser que não, mas o mais provável é quem sabe.

by Lu


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Paula Senna Lalli

Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!