The man behind the Iceman persona

The man behind the Iceman persona

Short answers, steely look. The Iceman image is sticking irrevocable on Kimi Räikkönen. 

Motorsport-Magazin takes a look behind the curtain of the iceman with Jo Leberer.

Kimi Räikkönen e Jo Leberer - 2001
With Kimi Räikkönen F1 is richer of another colourful character. His car control let the fans cheer, his egocentric way the journalists, sponsors and team principles despair. The statement from Ferrari team principle Stefano Domenicali that he lives on his own planet, Räikkönen countered in his usual way. “I like living on my own planet. It’s nice here.” The opinion of others the Finn bounces off ice cold, that’s why his former McLaren team principle Ron Dennis gave him the “Iceman” nickname. On and apart form the track Räikkönen is at full throttle – not thinking about consequences. One week after he signed the contract with Lotus he contested a snowmobile race in Austria. Other drivers would have taken it slow to not risk anything – but Räikkönen isn’t any racing driver. He put the foot down but lost control and crashed into a snow wall. The consequence was a injury on his hand and negative headlines. But that the Finn, who once fell drunk from his yacht or appears as James Hunt in a gorilla costume, knows very well. Someone who knows how it looks behind the Iceman mask is his old companion from times at Sauber, Jo Leberer. He tells Motorsport-Magazin who Kimi Räikkönen really is and which moments will stay unforgettable.

…the comeback of Räikkönen 
Actually I’m not surprised that Kimi’s comeback went so well. When he decides to drive then it’s clear for me that he has considered this closely. There were many opinions from so called experts about Kimi. When he decided to comeback I got many requests but I let the other say their opinion. Of course I had my opinion and I wondered about those from experts. I know Kimi from the past. He is so motivated, so strong-minded and that he can drive everybody knows. So why he should not drive at the front again? I had no fear cause he didn’t forget anything. Lotus needed someone who is quick and that is Kimi.

…motivation problems 
Kimi doesn’t have motivation problems. Everybody knows that he lives his life like he thinks it is right. You know where you stand with him. Thank God we have such types in Formula 1, we don’t want retort drivers. That not all drivers are the same, work the same, that makes it so interesting. To his critics I can only say that he is great guy.

…the start at Sauber 
When he started at Sauber, nobody knew him. We have trained a while together in Filzmoos, there I really got to know him well. I can only base from my own parameters but his approach, his body control, his stamina, his brilliance regarding races, his attention, his strength of will, his discipline, his will power in the sense of that he doesn’t have to accept everything, were right back then already. I knew when he is quick also in the car then he will really successful. That was proved. Shortly after that he went to McLaren – he step you normally don’t do. But Kimi made it.

…Räikkönen’s talent 
When he came to us we made a list of priorities. He had done only one single seater season, 23 races and then got in F1. That was a big step, then you can’t do the normal preparation program. At Sauber he had this chance. In December he got the licence and in January/February he tested. At the same time we have physically prepared him gradually to the upcoming charges. We have felt one’s way regarding neck etc. A driver can only be at the front when he also physically top fit. In March was the first race and Kimi got with his sixth place his first points already. That you have to imagine.

…Räikkönen’s coolness 
Unbelievable how Kimi appeared already at the beginning. How cool despite the pressure. I thought that some day the nervousness will have to come. Like it was the same for other drivers, even the top drivers. But it never came. Before his first race I massaged him right before and he fell asleep. Half an hour before the start I had to wake him up and he just said: “Jo, let me still sleep a bit. Give me 5 minutes.” You have to imagine, that was before his first race! That’s simply brilliant. This coolness has to be inherent. It was a pleasure to work with him.

…Räikkönen’s first world championship title
 That was unbelievable as he was far back in the standings. The whole Sauber team was of course happy about his win. On Monday after the race we both flew back to Zurich and he said to me: “Hey Jo, tomorrow we meet in Zurich and celebrate – only close friends, my wife and I want you to be with us.” And that after many, many years – I was very glad. The world champion invites me personally, I couldn’t refuse that invitation. We don’t see each other often but there is a relationship. When you have him as a friend once, you have him always. Although he changed the team and therefore actually was an opponent, the contact stayed. That is nice, that speaks for his character.

Fonte: Motorsport-Magazin / Tradução para o Inglês: Miezicat

Excelente a matéria. Estava mesmo precisando ler algo assim depois dos dias de tristezinha básica. rsrsrs...

O que tenho para dizer depois de ler o texto acima é: Kimi pode nunca mais vencer uma corrida na F1, ele pode nunca mais ser campeão do mundo, mas isto definitivamente não me fará menos admiradora do piloto e da pessoa que ele é.

A história do sono depois da massagem e antes da corrida e do convite para a celebração do título de 2007 são as melhores. E a frase que eu mais gostei de ler foi: "Quando você o tem como amigo por uma vez, você o tem como amigo para sempre". Este é o tipo de pessoa, eu disse de pessoa que eu mais admiro, que valoriza seus amigos!

Beijinhos, Ludy


Tereza disse…
Hei Ludy, voçê já leu a entrevista do Kimi ao site òtima, amei! ele mostra está forte e decidido, acho que sua corrida em Hockeheim promete.
Oi Tereza, sim, eu li. Só que me enrolei com outras postagens e acabei não publicando por aqui. Mas farei isto mais tarde!!!!


Eric disse…
Gente, só da´mulher apaixonada pelo raikkonen aki, nossa cada declaração de amor... hum, aki é um espaço cor de rosa, é melhor eu me mandar...kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nem vou comentar nada do magricelo aí senão a ludy me passa um carão...kkkkkkk
Eric disse…
Mas, voltando ao Kimi esse personal do Iceman fez um trabalhão, hein? rapaz... e kimi deu trabalho? kkkkkkkk
Já que vc deu a deixa Eric, se não gosta do que faço e acha que o que escrevo aqui é só por causa de paixão, não volte. Tenho certeza que vc vai encontrar lugares bem melhores e mais qualificados do que o Octeto para suprir a sua necessidade de torcedor que não tem nenhum tipo de sentimento, que torce só pela razão mesmo (se é que isto existe, torcedor que não sinta paixão, nem que seja pelos carros e o esporte), mas nossa, esqueci, eu sou mulher, então automaticamente, só curto as coisas na F1 porque acho que vou casar com o Kimi. #PeloAmorné?!

Eric disse…
Garotas calma, foi brincadeira. Ok, peço desculpas se ofendi. Eu não disse q. a ludy ia me passar um krão. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Aki é um blog bem legal e é divertido lê opiniões femininas só isso.
Sabe o que acontece Eric? Toda brincadeira ou boato tem um fundo de verdade, e a cada postagem vem uma desta, então é de se pensar onde está a brincadeira e onde está a opinião verdadeira. E eu já estou realmente bem cansada de ouvir brincadeiras como as suas por aí só porque eu torço para o Kimi, se fosse o Buemi, ninguém ia duvidar que curto F1 pelo esporte.

Anônimo disse…
dona Ludmila aiaiaiaiai parei de dizer que o kimi nunca mais vai vencer
rsrsrsr isso e so questão de tempo. ele vai vencer logoooooooooooo

ju oliveira
Anônimo disse…
Pelo que as pessoas (amigos) sempre falam do kimi por ai ele parece ser daqueles mega leal e muito engraçado. O tipo de amigo que você contar pra tudo. Tão bom ler essas coisas boas sobre ele. E depois dessa frase que você destacou Ludy " Quando você o tem como amigo por uma vez, você o tem como amigo para sempre" não precisa se falar mais nada mesmo né?!! Kimi é incrível e único mesmo! rss Momento fã/torcedora muito orgulhosa . kkkkkk Sem mais!! [Aninha]
Guilherme CR disse…

Eu passei a gostar do Kimi depois que descobri que ele é um cara de atitude. Competiu no Rali e até na Nascar para se manter ativo, caso uma chance na F1 aparecesse novamente. E isso ele fez com seu estilo, ou seja, estava louco de vontade em dirigir novamente um F1 ( e quem não estaria???) mas foi frio o bastante para esconder seus sentimentos e guerrear suas batalhas de forma reservada. Confesso que devo algo ao Kimi, pois passei a ser mais reservado e isso é tem me ajudado muito!!!


Guilherme CR

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