Lotus shoot

Shooting in the rain

Mark Sutton July 11, 2012

F1 photographer Mark Sutton picks his favourite shots from the British Grand Prix

Lotus shoot

Bottom left image: Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV ¦ ISO Speed: 400 ¦ Aperture: F20 ¦ Focal length: 70.0mm ¦ Exposure: 1/320 Sec ¦ Exposure mode: Shutter priority © Sutton Images
This was a vehicle to be used in the new Batman film - The Dark Knight Rises. We did the shoot in the morning on the main straight but it was only with Grosjean, and then we redid the shoot in the afternoon which was better because there was less of us and also Kimi was there. So it was a bit more relaxed. Kimi was very chilled, he was really enjoying it - I think he wanted to get out there and drive it to be perfectly honest! He had a little look inside the cockpit, and I think what stood out for me was the fact that he was so chilled. Normally Kimi's bored at these sort of events, but I think because it was a bit different he really liked it. He was enjoying some PR work! He was talking to Grosjean, he was interested in the actual vehicle itself and it was good to see. He was laughing and joking and he was genuinely interested, it was so unlike Kimi and it was a really good shoot. 


Fonte: en.espnf1.com / Dica: Sonny e Miezicat

Quando eu vi a terceira foto no dia desta sessão eu pensei a mesma coisa. Kimi está querendo entrar ali... rsrsrs..Morrendo de curiosidade para ver como funciona e se pudesse, gostaria é de pilotar o negócio. O texto de Mark Sutton só confirma a forma bacana e animada como o Iceman encarou este evento de marketing da Lotus. #Muitolegal!!!

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Beijinhos, Ludy


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