"Thanks to Raikkonen's leadership" by Heikki Kulta

Thanks to Raikkonen's leadership 

Kimi Raikkonen has been employed as a leading driver for Lotus and according to the teamleader Eric Boullier the Finnish driver has answered to this call superbly. 

-We need a leader and Kimi is just that. Although in the beginning of the year outsiders questioned his racing skills after the previous racing seasons, we in the team were all smiles when the winter tests began, Boullier is thanking. 

After four years' break Raikkonen flew to Canada on Tuesday and brought a breeze of good mood to the pit. Even before the driver had the chance to check his car in the pit, the engineers were telling him what they had done with the car for this weekend. 

Raikkonen’s race engineer Mark Slade confirmed to Turun Sanomat, that this weekend Raikkonen's so much discussed steering is adjusted as it was even before Monaco. 

-Kimi wants a very distinct front to curve his car to the bend, while some other drivers want to do that by steering more aggressively. Kimi wants fo find the feeling by steering , where the grip is at anytime, Slade explained. 

That’s why Raikkonen is still looking for a very sensitive steering,which gives him the desired steering feeling from the front. 

In Montreal, a landmark on the track, named after Gilles Villeneuve, is so called Masters’ Wall, on which many drivers have hit,except Raikkonen. 

-This track has been good to me and I have never hit that wall either but this might happen one day, Raikkonen is pondering. 

He has raced in Canada last in 2008,when the race finished akwardly at the end of the pit at red lights,when Lewis Hamilton drove to the back of the Ferrari.

A fast round is still being searched

Under the supervision of the technical manager James Allison LOTUS E20 was born.And this car is very competitive. In time racing you cannot fight with it about a pole position,but its superiority is in the length of the race .Why is it so difficult to make one quick round with Lotus ? 

-There isn’t only one reason for that. I am sure the car could be fixed,if we knew the reason. Some cars are just better in time racing in relation to the race,Raikkonen is pondering. 

Are you satisfied with any of the season's six time racing ? 

-In Malaysia time race was quite good. It wasn't the best possible but still quite good,Raikkonen is thinking about his 5th place in that race. 

It seems that time-racing is still very important? 

-It depends so much on the track.Here in Canada it is not so important as it was before.When I drove here last time, it was impossible to pass..Now the result does not depend so much on the starting block, when you are allowed to use a wing.In Monaco it is impossible to pass anybody,but I do well in standard races,even I am not in the first row.In Montreal the long stretches and hard brakes offer possibility to pass.  

-How does Raikkonen then approach the chance to pass? Are there drivers he should watch out more than others? 

-I wouln't say there's somebody that I should watch out more.Some drivers might be a little more difficult,but generally they are about the same.Racetracks basically dictate,what you can really try to do. 

Every car has its own character.

Lotus thrives in hot temperatures. And why is that? 

-That's how it is.Nobody can explain why.If they knew at Mercedes,why the tires wear out in heat,they would probably change their car. These cars are what they are, Raikkonen shrugs off. 

In the World Champion Category Raikkonen is the 6th,one victory – 25 points-behind the leading Fernando Alonso. 

-How important is it for Raikkonen to win the World Championship? 

-Nothing has changed since the beginning of the season. I go to every race in the same way, to do my best and see how it turns out. There's no point to stress yourself. Nothing becomes better by stressing yourself,says Raikkonen. 

Turun Sanomat,
Heikki Kulta

Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Dica: Olga / Tradução para o Inglês: Katrina

Hoje no primeiro treino livre, durante a transmissão da SporTV, o senhor Lito Cavalcanti já estava propagando para os quatro quantos do mundo o que um jornalista (inglês, eu acho, Mark alguma coisa, nem me importei em ler para não me estressar) andou falando depois de Mônaco. Que os engenheiros de Kimi ficaram irritados porque ele pediu para que mudassem a configuração da direção do carro dele, e como não ficou como ele queria há tempo de treinar, ele perdeu a primeira sessão em Monte Carlo.

É claro que o sr. Lito falou que Kimi não tem espírito de equipe, que não sabe trabalhar em grupo e aquelas coisas todas, e que a equipe Lotus já está insatisfeita com o finlandês. Pois bem, daí fiquei pensando cá com os meus botões, e gostaria que me respondessem: caso Kimi não tivesse sido contratado pela Lotus, em que posição ela estaria no campeonato neste exato momento, apenas com os pontos do "grande" Grosjean?#façamascontas

Kimi pode não ser o líder modelo, mas tenho certeza que ele tem a sua forma de motivar aqueles que trabalham com ele.

Beijinhos, Ludy


Manu disse…
Sinceramente, a gente perde muito tempo ouvindo o que esse cara chato fala. Engraçado que semana passada eu vi/ouvi o segundo treino livre de Mônaco, e eles falaram bem até do Kimi. Até brincaram com a situação do sorvete.
Se é verdade ou não, já assisti transmissões que eles discutiam corte de cabelo de alguém!
Acho que esquecem que estão sendo ouvidos mesmo. Aí ficam falando coisas que a gente não faz questão, ou expõe coisas como opinião e aí todo mundo absorve isso e sai falando. Por isso eu sou obrigada a ficar lendo porcaria no meu facebook, como aconteceu essa semana que um cara veio me provocar falando coisas do Kimi que é bem típico desse pessoal.
Estou sem tempo e paciência sabem...


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