Mark Slade, Alan Permane and Benoit Nogier talk about Kimi Räikkönen

Na semana passada postei esta (link aqui) ótima entrevista de Kimi para uma revista japonesa, dada este mês de maio e que Luviceman vem gentilmente traduzindo.

Hoje, chego com o que Mark Slade, engenheiro de corrida de Räikkönen, além de duas declarações, uma de Alan Parmane (diretor de operações de pista da Lotus) e de Benoit Nogier, ex-cehfe de equipe de Kimi no WRC. Meus comentários estão no final.

Q: Do you think current Kimi is different than he was in McLaren? 
"About the attitude to engineers is the same. But in the paddock, I think he relaxes a bit than before, and contacting us outside of the circuit has increased." 

Q: How about as a driver? 
"He is just awesome. He comprehends what is happening then, what he is needing, how he is wanting, and why. About this splendid skill/ability, Kimi is one of the best than other drivers who I know. His feedback is the best. This hasn't changed ever. As a test driver, he is the best driver than others who I worked with together. In such point, Kimi is the same as before and hasn't changed." 

Q: Does he change and become talkative to the team radio during the race? 
"No. He wants to concentrate on what he is doing, so he isn't a type of driver who like to talk to us often on the radio." 

Q: What are Kimi's clearly-defined setup and driving? 
"Kimi drives by sense. for example, when you approach to the corner, he isn't a type of driver who just grades your stealing to the point where is set. He always feels machine action and reacts to it. Kimi is different than many other drivers. A lot of times, the drivers expect how to approach the corner and just do it. But in Kimi's case, he always adapt to his surrounding situations. His adaptability is amazing. His feedback is also very accurate. If we correct the problem which Kimi points out, the machine will surely be faster." 

Q: Do you think Kimi has changed by staying away from F1 2 years? Why is he more relaxed than before? Is this mean Lotus is more relaxed atmosphere than McLaren?  
"All I can say is he seems relaxing overall than McLaren period. But it doesn't mean he was really nervous, etc. the media just made a big production out of him. Surely, he doesn't speak much to the media in public. Because he doesn't talk to the media, they write lots of speculation. Because I see unbelievably terrible articles about Kimi, I am always surprised. He isn't a guy who is told by the media. He is a great guy although I don't see such articles much." 

Q: Is this true that Kimi doesn't like technical briefing? 
"He is just a type of guy who doesn't want to waste his time. He clearly tells his opinion, and we understand it and correct. For him, he just doesn't want to bother us by staying there for hours after that, and he thinks it's meaningless to stop our working hands. This is his thoughts, and I can't agree with him more. it's perfect. I don't like to have people who have nothing to do besides me all night long. Kimi does everything he can. Perfectly short and crisp, and do things accurately, I think he gives us time to do our job. So that we can provide him a good machine. Of course we sometimes need to confirm him "this is right? how about that?" later, but it's enough to do by tel and mail. 

Q: What is the most talent of him? 
"I say coolness of being immune to everything. When the staffs were in panic a bit due to the problem and confused, Kimi was completely indifferent to the situation in McLaren. And once we set the tyres and let him on the track, he ran the fastest lap. Kimi doesn't lose his cool under such circumstances. When I feel he looks a little irritated is on the radio conversation during the race when the problem happens." 


Alan Permane (Trackside Operations Director - Lotus): "Kimi isn't an inarticulate man. He actively explains the situation in briefing after running. Of course, Kimi gives his time for his engineers as long as they want Kimi in briefing and positively participates analyzing data. Because of his positive attitude, the team's motivation raises. We lost leading driver last year due to Robert's incident. Petrov, Nich and Senna were also trying hard, but we can't deny that we couldn't keep the motivation. But Kimi and Romain are really fresh to us, and the team is in good shape. Not only the drivers, but we've found out E20 is competitive. Romain has basic speed, so I think he has lots of things to learn from Kimi this season. I expect the drivers line up are strong as same as ex Alonso and Fisichella." 

Benoit Nogier (Citroen Junior Team Manager): "Don't get me wrong, but Kimi was a normal WRC driver. His driving, setting abilities and communication skills with engineers were all the same level as the normal WRC drivers. But what he achieved it in just 2 years is amazing. Actually, Rally is really complexed motor sports. So even if you are superior as a driver, you can't run fast without experience. Even if Seb Loeb, I don't think he could win in 2 years. If you drive the fastest car, I think there will be high possibility Loeb can win in F1 than Kimi wins in WRC. Rally is very unique and difficult world. That's why We have the highest regard for Kimi. His personality was also serious and a nice guy. But, even if he returns to WRC, he can't win as long as Loeb is in WRC. Loeb is in a different league."

Fonte: Grand Prix Special magazine - Tradução para o Inglês: Luviceman

Cada vez que leio estas entrevistas (e já disse isto aqui no Octeto torcentas vezes), fico contente, porque o que penso de Räikkönen como piloto, como profissional, é sempreconfirmado por aqueles que trabalharam ou trabalham com ele.

Faz bem para mim, e sempre fará, ler estas coisas, porque depois de tudo o que foi dito sobre Kimi e o seu jeito de trabalhar (quando ele partiu da F1 para o WRC), receber elogios e mostrar àqueles que o menosprezaram o quanto ele é competente e o quanto as pessoas gostam de trabalhar com ele, e o respeitam como piloto e ser humano, é algo muito reconfortante.

Em especial da galera do WRC. Gnete que só viveu com ele por dois anos, mas que o aceitou com muito mais facilidade e mente aberta do que pessoas que se diziam prontas para compreendê-lo.

Termino agradecendo ao Luviceman por este trabalho de traduzir tudo para a gente. Thanks a lot for all the translation you have done Luviceman! :)

Beijinhos, Ludy


Carlos disse…
Matérias assim são verdadeiros socos na cara de certos jornalistas brasileiros, não atoa não se dão ao trabalho de reproduzirem em seus blogs e afins.

Mas fosse ao contrario...verdadeiros editoriais seriam escritos para ontem já.
Pois é Carlos. É bem por aí! É claro que já estão começando a escrever merda sobre Räikkönen lá fora, mas nem me dou o trabalho de postar aqui, porque não me dei o trabalho de ler. Cansei de ler esta gente que fala mal dele, passei a adotar a postura de Kimi: "I don't care". A verdade é que quem não gosta dele, sempre verá somente as coisas ruins dele, ou vai pegar alguma coisa e transformar em ruim. Não adianta! Por isto gosto de postar estas entrevistas/matérias onde as pessoas do meio falam sobre o quão competente é Räikkönen.

Que bom que curtiu!



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