Lotus Formula 1 team denies Kimi Raikkonen permission to contest Rally Finland

Lotus Formula 1 team denies Kimi Raikkonen permission to contest Rally Finland

By Jonathan Noble

Kimi Raikkonen will not be allowed to take part in Rally Finland later this year, AUTOSPORT has learned, with his team bosses unwilling to release him from his commitments to the Lotus Formula 1 team. 

The former world champion had sought clearance to make a one-off return to the WRC, even though it is understood his F1 contract forbids him from taking part in rallying. 

However, following talks between Raikkonen and his boss Eric Boullier in Monaco, he was informed that the memory Robert Kubica's rally crash last year meant the team was not prepared to allow him to compete. 

Boullier told AUTOSPORT: "I sat down with Kimi earlier today and we talked about it. 

"His contract does not allow him to go rallying and, after what happened with Robert, this team could not let him do it. 

"He fully understands the situation, so the matter is closed now." 

Kubica was badly injured in an Italian rally crash in February last year, shortly after the first pre-season F1 test. His injuries forced him out for the season and there remain doubts about whether or not he will be able to make an F1 return. Raikkonen competed in the WRC in 2010 and '11 before deciding to come back to F1 for this season. 

Fonte: autosport.com 

O que foi que eu havia falado no post de ontem quando Kimi mencionou a vontade de correr o Rali da Finlândia deste ano? Não leram? Aqui está. #batata 

É claro que a Lotus não permitiria e desta vez, não posso discordar. Eles têm razão, exatamente por tudo o que aconteceu com Kubica. O investimento em Kimi foi alto demais para que algo dê errado. Já basta o susto de dezembro passado quando ele machucou o pulso na corrida de snowmobile e teve que operar, logo um mês depois de ter sido anunciada a sua volta à F1.

Tenho certeza que o WRC voltará a vida de Kimi (e espero por isto, feliz), mas não será este ano.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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