Faaala Nico...

Nico secured third fastest time in Q3 but will be on the front row of the grid in Sunday's Monaco Grand Prix. Nico: "I am pleased with the result today and especially for what we have shown as a team in the past few weeks.We have had a couple of difficult races since the win in China but there has been a lot of hard work to turn it round, and today we were on top as a team which is great to see. Thank you to everybody back at base who has brought us back to the front again."

Nico had a pretty smooth qualifying session, and managed to save two sets of new super soft tyres for the race: "But it was just so close out there this afternoon, it's incredible and fantastic for Formula One. Congratulations to Michael, he did a fantastic job. Of course, I am sorry for him that he must take the penalty, but that means I will be on the front row in Monaco. And at a race where overtaking can be so difficult, that's a great place to start."
(quote by Mercedes GP)

Aproveite bem a "frist row" e ai de ti, alemão, se não ultrapassar o Webber na primeira curva. 

By Lu


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