Emerson Fittipaldi talks about Kimi

Emerson Fittipaldi thinks that Lotus and Kimi have the ingredients for a potential surpriser in this season's WC-battle. 

Kimi's speed didn't come as any surprise to Fittipaldi. He believes that the Finn and Lotus can already this season form a combination for the championship-level. 

- It's difficult to say if he would have been able to overtake Vettel, because these tyres are changing factors, but they both drove a fantastic race. I always believed in Kimi's speed. A champion never loses his speed, but I was positively surprised that it didn't take him any time at all to adapt to the new cars and tyres, Fittipaldi told. 

- Lotus has an opportunity to take the role of a black horse in the WC-battle. 


Fonte: MTV3 / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole 

Sim, concordo com Emerson, um campeão nunca perde a sua velocidade! :) Quero só que o carro seja competitivo para dar a Kimi chance de estar sempre beliscando um pódio, e quem sabe, lutar por uma ou outra vitória (acho que agora já posso sonhar... rsrsrs). De resto, vou continuar no meu mantra: um GP de cada vez!!! rsrsrs... 

Beijinhos, Ludy


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