Vettel and Räikkönen chatting again after a long time

Vettel and Räikkönen chatting again after a long time

F1 | Turun Sanomat 01:10

F1-champions and badminton buddies Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Räikkönen haven't seen each other in over two years. The friends' roads parted when the distance between their homes grew up to 100 km and Räikkönen moved to rally from F1.

On Thursday afternoon Vettel and Räikkönen sit down together once again. FIA has chosen these two drivers to their first official press conference together with Mark Webber, Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Pic and Jenson Button.

In winter tests Vettel and Räikkönen were on the track at the same time only during the last day in Barcelona. Both men were so busy that they stayed in their own premises.

Hence they haven't said hello in a long time.

The duo got to know each other and found a mutual melody when Vettel was driving for Toro Rosso and Räikkönen asked on Zürich airport if Vettel would like to fly with him in his private jet, since they both had the same destination.

The mutual respect is high. When asking Räikkönen how strong Vettel is to winning the historical third title in a row at the age of 25, the reply comes immediately.

– Sebastian could already be a three time WDC. He had in 2009 such a pace and confidence in performance that he could have won the title. And he hasn't slowed down one bit, Räikkönen said.

Vettel's press agent Britta Roeske emphasizes that Räikkönen is Vettel's closest buddy out of all other F1-drivers.

– Just wait and see, these two will once again look for each other's company in the driver parade to change opinions, just like they always do, Roeske reminds.

Vettel goes to hunt after his third title in a row with a bit uncertain thoughts since Adrian Newey's latest RB8 -creation proved out to be unreliable in the winter tests. The tests were interrupted three times due to the gear box breaking down.

Vettel rather talks more about his opponents - and he sees Räikkönen also as one of them.

– Lotus surprised in the tests and if they can keep up that pace, then that team certainly has potential to surprise in races also, Vettel said.

Then what about Vettel's own chance as the third driver in all times to win three titles in a row?

– I haven't lost any sleep over that at least since I arrived here on Monday evening. It would be very early to start talking about a championship at this stage. Of course I race for victory but the goals are specified little by little.

– When you win the WDC for the first time you prove to yourself that you can do it, and nobody can take it away from you anymore. It's a big relief but it doesn't guarantee what happens next. Each year starts from zero. I would be immature if I would think that I can win again and nothing can go wrong.

– The best one wins the title, Vettel reminded.

Turun Sanomat, Melbourne


Fonte: Turun Sanomat/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Não sabia que a amizade entre os dois tinha começado assim. Legal saber. E está aí, para quem é frio e não tem emoções, oferecer ajuda (no caso a carona no jatinho) para um colega de profissão, é bem normal, não acham?! Bem gente da gente. Na medida do possível, é claro! rsrsrs...

Pois bem, amanhã, na coletiva de imprensa teremos 3 octetes reunidos, Vettel, Kimi e Jenson. Agora realmente fiquei ansiosa. Tunha esquecido da coletiva! rsrsrsrs...

Beijinhos, Ludy


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