Vettel's new trainer also made an impression in Turku

Vettel's new trainer also made an impression in Turku

Turun Sanomat 16.2.2012 10:48:44

Sebastian Vettel's new trainer Heikki Huovinen started working with the German star by getting thoroughly familiar with his clothing- and equipment-cabin on Jerez track.

It took over three hours from Huovinen since he was shown from hand to hand all fire-proof underwear, racing outfits, gloves, shoes, helmets, visors etc.

Vettel himself made the ground rules clear when reporters wanted to hear comments from the trainer.

– Heikki is here to train me, not to give interviews, Vettel stated and hence got his new Finnish trainer the working peace he needed.

Huovinen is in a completely new world beside the F1-champion. Just like his predecessor Tommi Pärmäkoski he also comes from ice hockey. Huovinen has been well trained for his job in Jyväskylä University.

Huovinen, 28, still played ice hockey in the autumn.

Vettel always puts his own goals higher and higher. At 24-years old he thinks that he can develop and build his physical condition even tougher year by year.

– When looking from outside my last season might have looked almost perfect. But we still had a list over things we can improve in. The idea is that after the season we take distance and then come back better prepared and organized to the track.

How big is the change from trainer Pärmäkoski to trainer Huovinen?

– A Finn is a Finn. That says everything, Vettel said.

Turun Sanomat


Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Todo mundo enlouquecido para entrevistar o preparador físico do Vettel. Deixem o pobre trabalhar!!!

Beijinhos, Ludy


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