Fernando Alonso: «La F1 no es mi vida, sólo un trabajo»

Fernando Alonso: «La F1 no es mi vida, sólo un trabajo»

Fernando Alonso ya está de vacaciones. Pero sólo a medias. De vuelta a casa, aún le queda pendiente algún compromiso publicitario y las galas benéficas a las que no falla en Navidad.

Rascará algún día de descanso y en enero le esperan en Madonna di Campiglio para la concentración invernal de Ferrari. Desde Italia, la revista «Autosprint», una especie de biblia de la Fórmula 1, despide el curso con una entrevista al asturiano. Se muestra cercano, comprometido con la Scuderia y haciéndose ver como un chaval normal de su edad, cumplidos los 30 el pasado julio.

Habla de su relación de Flavio Briatore y de cómo el italiano, que lanzó su carrera en la F1, se sorprendía cuando analizaba la lista de precios a la hora de comprarse un móvil. «Es que soy una persona muy normal. A pesar de todo lo que me da la Fórmula 1, no la considero mi vida, sólo es un trabajo. No doy importancia a ser más o menos rico o más o menos conocido, porque quiero seguir siendo normal. Flavio siempre se ha sorprendido por eso».

Desvela el asturiano el calvario que fue la temporada en algunos momentos, sobre todo al inicio, cuando por mucho que trabajasen sobre el coche, en lugar de mejorar iba a peor. «Todo el año hemos ido con dos o tres carreras de retraso». Lo más duro fue en Montmeló. Se puso primero con una salida grandiosa, pero terminó doblado. «Cada novedad era un paso atrás y no lo entendíamos. Montábamos elementos que se habían utilizado en la presentación del coche en enero o rescatábamos piezas de carreras atrás que ya teníamos guardadas en un armario».

Hasta Hungría albergó alguna esperanza de remontada. «Esperábamos piezas nuevas que cambiasen el comportamiento del coche, pero no fue así».

Aqui o Original - Autosprint:


From a personal point of view he reckons F1 has not changed him a lot, when someone reminds him Briatore's words "He doesn't enjoy success, he still looks at the prices when he wants to buy a new phone!", he answers "Yes, I'm a bit like that, a normal person. Formula 1 has given me a lot but I don't consider it my life but my job. If I'm more or less rich, more or less known, that's something I'm not considering right now. I just wish to keep being a normal person. And that has always surprised Flavio"

Alonso is also happy to be living back in Spain "Yes, I'm happy but I've never doubt that I would be able to do it. There's your job and there's your private live, different things." "I've never understand why should I tell the world where I've been having dinner or what I'm thinking in every moment. Facebook, Twitter..., I don't like nowadays trends"

From a sporting point of view, he reviewed this season. "From the beginning I knew RB was much faster than in 2010 but our car was also much more reliable". Even knowing that until Hungary "I kept thinking we have options because we hope new parts could change the behaviour of the car but it wasn't the case".

Alonso also reveals one of the keys for Ferrari's performance in 2011. "The problem was the diffusers were the basis of 2011 cars for the big teams but we had started to work very late because of winter problems in the wind tunnel. We've been two or three races late for the whole season" One of the worst moments of the championship came in Barcelona, where he got to the first place just to finish one lap behind. In Montmelo "We even had to use parts from the January presentation! Each new part was a step back and we didn't understand why. We had to use parts from two or three races before that were already stored".

Silverstone win generated some expectations for the future "Only there we could fight for the victory, the car was really good. In the other races we were behind McLaren and even Renault"

Despite all of this Alonso is optimistic "Good for the team, good for me, we were able to take the maximum from the car and race circumstances" For the Spanish driver "This has been my best season, we have fought for the second place until the last race in a car 300 points behind the Red Bull in the Constructors table" but he reckons "that has not been translated into results that people can be aware of" and he admits "certain level of frustration even when lots of things have worked well in many fronts inside the team"


Alonso also admits "enthusiasm doesn't last the whole season and during the last part the motivation wasn't the same" but he doesn't consider age has changed him as a driver: "I was the same at 23 that I'm now at 28 or 30".

Nevertheless for 2012 "we start from zero and with the diffusers and engine mapping changes things won't be the same". Besides, knowing this season's mistakes, "I think Ferrari will be strong. We made mistakes in the project and wind tunnel calibration. That's why we'll come stronger. Pat Fry's arrival brought new ideas and methods. Ferrari is much stronger now that a year and a half before."

He also reckons the problems for the drivers and their driving style because of diffusers, fduct, tyres, DRS... "it has changed a lot this last two years because of technical modifications and it keeps changing. Much more than seven or eight years ago, nowadays each winter is like going back to school"

Talking about rivals and focusing on Hamilton: "I've never had problems with him, we know each other and we respect each other, I'm aware of his merits and he's aware of mine, we know what we've got in common. We know what the other one is capable of with a car more or less competitive, and everyone has his own opinion about other drivers, that can only win with a great car. Hamilton is not like that, he has already proved that he's capable of winning with an inferior car" And he insists that only "two drivers can win" without having the best car. "With Vettel we'll have to wait, we'll see the real Vettel when with a sixth position car he finishes second or third. Until now we've seen him winning with a car capable of winning the world title five races before the end".


Adorooo as entrevistas do Alonso. Ele sempre fala coisas interessantes. Desta vez não foi diferente.

Fernando já disse várias vezes que não tem menor interesse por rede sociais. Tenho curiosidade em saber o que ele pensa da Raquel twittando tudo que faz... rsrs Não é à toa que ela praticamente não fala dele. Estes dois são estranhos! rsrs

Sobre LH... Eu com o tempo passei a aceitar o Hamilton. Não gosto dele, mas assim como Alonso, aprendi a conviver com o inglês. Coisa que somente o tempo nos permite.

Sobre Vettel, é isso mesmo que Alonso falou: ele ainda precisa provar algumas coisas para entrar no Hall dos melhores do mundo. Títulos não são suficientes para tal... se fossem Damon Hill ou Mika Hakkinen estaria entre lá no TOP 5, onde de fato, não estão.

Ao contrário, Alonso com apenas dois títulos já pode está entre os melhores de todos os tempos, ao lado de Schumacher com 7 títulos, Senna com 3 e Prost com 4. Acho que é preciso muito mais do que recordes para ser o melhor... é preciso fazer a diferença, e isso só pode ser feito nas dificuldades!

AH! Para quem não sabe, Alonso este ano se mudou da Suiça, onde morou os últimos anos, para sua cidade natal, Oviedo.

Bjinhus, Tati


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Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!