"Kimi, Massa and Cola" by Leo Turrini

Kimi, Massa and Cola

Posted by Leo Turrini Thu, 24/11/2011 - 15:02

"... Ah, it's a Brazilian song ..." (Mogol / Battisti Lucio)


Sorry, but this should go here as a story of its own.

Today the most important Brazilian newspapers have a serie of statements. From Felipe Massa. And from the legendary Cola. Theme: The Holy Drinker.

Kimi according to Massa and secondly Cola, let's go.

First an intro.

Raikkonen told a British magazine that: it is true that I was contacted by a couple of F1-teams, it is true that I have talked to these people, but it is not true that I feel a desperate need to return to F1. Also, I race in F1 to win and not with a shit car that never wins.

Let us now turn to the Gospel of Massa.

Felipe has spoken.

"Raikkonen is a good driver and he will also develop the car enough (more than you, you green-dotted buddy). If I must find a flaw, well, I think he should try to talk a little more with the people in team for which he works. "

Well, thank you.

And here comes the second Gospel of Cola, spoken in Abu Dhabi on behalf of the Maranello marque ..

"Ferrari has never accused Kimi of speaking too little with the team's engineers. Raikkonen is simply a young man who comes from Finland and in those parts you certainly don't talk too much. But what matters is the way in which a driver relates with the team. We have great memories of working with him: he is an honest boy, polite, but above all a great driver. "

Evangelist Cola continues with the following: "The hypothesis of Kimi's return to F1 would be good news for the environment, because we are talking about one of the greatest talents of all time (in Portuguese : um dos maiores talentos que chegou à F1 em todos os tempos). Ferrari wishes him the best and would be happy to see him on track. "


I am so shocked that I'm going to make myself a double caipirinha. But I doubt it helps me overcome this.

Fonte: Blog do Leo Turrini/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Não preciso acrescentar NADA ao texto de Turrini. Perfeito. Tudo o que eu queria falar sobre este assunto e estas pessoas, já falei ontem (aqui), quando fiz a postagem desta notícia.

Como disse Turrini em seu texto: NOJENTO!

Beijinhos, Ludy


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