Shakedown times – Rallye de France 2011

Petter and Chris have just completed Rally France Shakedown. They did six runs of the 2.2kms stage and had their fastest time on their third run through.

Sebastien Loeb set the fastest time on Shakedown while his Citroën team-mate Sebastien Ogier and Mini’s Dani Sordo shared the same next fastest time. Petter and Chris were fifth fastest through the shakedown stage.

- Just finished 6 runs on the shakedown stage, says Petter. – Everything worked perfectly with the car from the start. Looking forward to the start tomorrow.

Rallye de France Alsace begins tomorrow morning at 07.48 local time.

Shakedown times
Loeb, Citroën 1.47,1
Ogier, Citroën 1.47,3
Sordo, Mini 1.47,3
Latvala, Ford 1.47,9
Petter, Citroën 1.48,1
Meeke, Mini 1.48,2
Henning, Ford 1.48,3
Räikkönen, Citroën 1.48,5
Wilson, Ford 1.48,6
Hirvonen, Ford 1.48,9
Østberg, Ford 1.49,0


Kimi está lá, entre os 10 primeiros, como de costume. Bom!!!

Beijinhos, Ludy


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Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!