Did the changes in Williams awaken Räikkönen's interest?

Did the changes in Williams awaken Räikkönen's interest?

MTV3:s F1-expert Erkki Mustakari estimates that the changes happening in Williams-team are the reason for Kimi Räikkönen's possible interest towards the team.

Williams-team is renewing next season when technical manager Sam Michael and manager of the aerodynamics department Jon Tomlinson are leaving. They have already hired Mike Coughlan to replace them. Williams will switch from Cosworth-engines to Renault-engines next season, so the team will in the future have the same engine Red Bull has.

According to rumours Räikkönen visited Williams head quarter last week.

- If the information about Räikkönen's visit is true, then it isn't at least because of Sam Michael's farewell-party, Mustakari says.

- The changes going on in Williams might have created the interest to at least take a visit. Williams might also have something under work that hasn't happened there during the last years, Mustakari estimates.

- However as a team Williams is in a different league than for example Team Lotus, Mustakari.

Fonte: MTV3/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Räikkönen na Williams? Não sei não! Mesmo porque, não consigo ver Frank Williams com interesse em Räikkönen, piloto que ele criticou no início de 2008 ou 2009 (já nem lembro), o que na verdade, era a moda da época. E nem gosta da ideia de Kimi na mesma equipe de Mike Coughlan.

Mas enfim, não vou me estressar mais. Só acho que tem uma pessoa no mundo que ia curtir bem isto, não é não Marcos Antônio?! Quem você prefere, o Kimi ou o Rubinho?! #eeuaindapergunto!!! kkkk

Beijinhos, Ludy


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