"Rally or track?" by Tomi Tuominen

Já que postei as matérias da Autosport de hoje, agora compartilho um texto escrito pelo comentarista de rally da MTV3. Este com certeza, muito mais de acordo com a realidade do que acontece na carreira de Räikkönen no momento do que as matérias repletas de suposições de não fatos concretos (em especial a primeira) da revista inglesa. Leiam e comentem depois, se quiserem, é claro.

Rally or track?

by Tomi Tuominen

The following is based upon completely playful guessing. I don't believe that any person in the world can predict what Kimi Räikkönen will do, since Kimi himself can't predict it either. Räikkönen is a track racer who enjoys life and weaves interesting activity around him based upon his chances. That's what everyone of us would do.

Räikkönen has now his 2nd year in WRC. This year he has less races than in 2010. Other than that his helmet has also been put on American oval tracks and in Peugeot factory team's track tests. I think that the latter of these will bring Räikkönen a job - of course if he wants it himself too. If Räikkönen would go to Peugeot's salary lists, then it would remind of incidents that took place 20 years ago. Keke Rosberg was successful with that time's endurance vehicle from Peugeot after his F1-career. That's when our interest for track racing's endurance-races grew remarkably.

Räikkönen has been determined, competitive and a driver who wants to win ever since he sat in his karting car for the first time. The last two years he has been forced to drive in a serie where victory is only a future goal, perhaps only a dream. In LeMans -serie Räikkönen would once again have a chance to fight for victories - there's nothing unclear about that. And when you add Nascar to this, it would probably take a couple of years before success would start to become ordinary. In Peugeot's car he wouldn't have to wait even a day for festive success.

The reason why I started guessing in the first place is, that I get strangely often questions: "Will Kimi continue in rally, when will he win, will he go to the States, will he go back to F1...?" I can't give any sure answer to these questions but I can guess and of course speculate. That is the traditional frisky hobby in motorsport.

I give my best guesses to two options. Rally and LeMans. If Peugeot offers Räikkönen a deal, then I think that he grabs it. Why wouldn't he? But it doesn't have to meant that he couldn't continue rallying - especially when we are talking about the vehicle of the same concern. This would surely be a hilarious combination. LeMans -serie would give him a chance to drive from victories and be a part of a perfect factory team. Rally again could be his hobby, which offers him challenge and where each better position would be a perfect bonus.

As small quiz to the end. How many Finns have been behind Peugeot factory-car's steering wheel during the years? Taking all genres into consideration. Not an easy task.

Fonte: MTV3/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Beijinhos, Ludy


Silvia disse…
Me agrada essa opção...ele ganharia ums trocadinhos como piloto da Peugeot e gastaria eles correndo de rali nas horas vagas! Rsrsrs
É exatamente o que penso. Ele ganha o money correndo na Le Mans Series por exemplo, e assim pode continuar sua evolução no rali com mais calma, investindo o dinheiro ganho da outra categoria. Fora que une pista e estrada com duas categorias que ele pode conciliar durante o ano.

Rebeca disse…
Confesso que fico ansiosa por uma definição do que o Kimi vai fazer ano que vem, não consigo não pensar nisso. :S

Mas como eu não posso fazer nada, só me resta esperar e torcer. Além do mais, ninguém melhor do que o próprio Kimi pra saber o que é melhor pra ele (portanto que não seja a F1, rs).

Essa parece uma boa opção, mas um contrato no WRC, disputando a temporada inteira ainda está no topo das <> preferências! XD
Também fico Rebeca, me dá nos nervos. Todo ano é a mesma coisa. Mas enfim, como vc disse, só nos resta esperar! E torcer para que seja no rali que ele permaneça!

bjs, Ludy
Milton disse…
Eu rezo de joelhos para Kimi andar de Endurance! Aliás: Se ele andar, não acho que seja para andar em meio de grid... Até mesmo porque sabemos do que ele é capaz no asfalto. E no fim, ainda acho que ele poderá ser, caso isso se confirme, um dos pilotos mais completos da história!

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