"Here and There" by Appletree

Oi gente! Deixo para você mais um texto da Eeva. Bem bacana, como sempre!


I had to belive the ice age had come. It's april, for god's sake and we have still thick snow banks and only during the afternoons warmest moments a few drops of water barely reach the snow.

My tree was awake. But it was so silent and I knew why. The nature had had again one of its violent tranformations and it hurts, as unbelievable it sounds. But the nature suffers too and humans too often forget they are part of the nature. My tree hears and feels all the feelings of the earth.

I just smoothed out it's old bark and looked to the south. Somehow I got the feeling we will have our spring and running waters in a sudden outburst..

Where are you, my little ice berg? What are you doing? Are you pushing thru the stormy and salty water and growing fast? What secrets lies under the surface , there were the sunlight doesnt reach?

"Well, dont ask, just go there and look yourself! "The tree said in my head and I smiled. Thank god it hasnt changed a bit.

I took my time again, just to look at him. He was a bit frozen but thats allright. It's difficult to come from ice to gravel. You know what happens if you slide on the ice and suddenly hit the sand?
I had something in my hands .
-Hi, Kimi. I swinged my legs on the branches of the old tree. I like old trees.
- Well, hello there. Where have you been? Kimi smiled to me and Kaj winked his eye.
- On the north pole.
- You havent given me a map this time. Kimi raised his eyebrow.
-Do you want one? I have here a map of north pole.I raised mine.
-Err..no. I guess no more dum questions..you have something, dont you?
-well, of course ..I have a book.
Kimi took the book and opened it very carefully.
-It's empty?!
- Hear me now..I touched his shoulder.
- Every human is an unopened book .Every book starts with a one word. You can have many books during your life . If you look behind you, you see a huge book already..it's a book of your era in tracks.
You can see, it's a closed book .
- Because it's a closed chapter..Kimi asked silently.
-And now look at your book. Look at the first page.
Kimi looked again. In the middle of the page there was a word written with old letters: Ice one.
It vanished again..and came back again,and vanished again.
-What is this?
-Only you know that..and I think you know.
- Is the chapter of track book closed? do you mean that?
Can I open that book again?
- Of course you can. Only you know, is all this , I showed the rally place,enough to you? Do you miss fighting wheel to wheel ? Or is there something else? You have a habbit to keep your fans in constant rollercoaster. Or do you need it yourself, do you need the action all the time as the rally season flows much more peacefully.
Keep this book with you. Maybe we will see something in its pages, maybe we don't.
- Yeah..thank you. It will be with me all the time.
-It will. Once you opened it, it will never vanish.
-Where I keep it? I can't have it in the car.
-It's everywhere. It appears only if you need it.
-should have known..Kimi laughed and the book disappeared.
-Its time to go now..my tree is having a tough time. You..take care.
- Until we meet again. Here and there. Kimi smiled.
I went back to my tree, still under snow, still silent .
- How's the little Iceberg? Tree asked in my head.
-Reading a book without words.
-what on earth is he doing? I mean the nascar thing?
-Do you know which way the ice bergs come to Atlantic?
-Oh..bugger. Of course. Thru the North-America.

Autora do texto: Appletree (Eeva)

Beijinhos, Ludy


Fernando Kesnault disse…
Meninas, uma sugestão pertinente para melhorar ainda mais o blog:

Como estamos no Brasil e o vernáculo obrigatorio é o portugues por quê não colocar o texto original (concordo) e um texto traduzido?? Várias pessoas e creio ser a maioria, não conseguem ler em outra língua e nem são obrigados....é uma sugestão salutar....
Infelizmente, não tenho o tempo disponível para ficar traduzindo a quantidade de material que posto por aqui. Sinto muito por quem não entende o idioma, mas infelizmente, continuarei postando os textos em inglês.

Melli disse…
mas vc ta querendo hein amigo...faz assim oh em vez de criticar, ajuda....traduz ai e passa pras meninas....elas vão ficar agradecidas

desculpa Ludy, sou nova no blog e tudo mais...mas não aguentei...acho que vcs ja fazem muito passando as informações e pras pessoas que não entendem lingua inglesa desculpem, mas temos o google hoje em dia né...sem querer ofender ngm ok?
Fernando, me desculpe mas não temos tempo livre para traduzir tudo que postamos aqui, fazemos o Blog como um hobby, não como um trabalho.

Além do mais temos muitos leitores estrangeiros. E no Brasil nossos leitores, em grande parte (aqueles que nos visitam diariamente), são um público fanático por automobilismo, daquele tipo está acostumado a ler sites em inglês, porque de fato o inglês é o idioma obrigatório para quem acompanha o esporte. Este é o seu caso, certo?!

Aqui no Octeto não escrevemos (e nem agradamos a/) para pachecada que liga a TV só porque tem brasileiro correndo. Estamos com um grupo de pessoas que gosta do esporte e não do Brasil.

O público que gosta de automobilismo está acostumado e sabe um pouquinho que seja de inglês. Não subestime nossos leitores. hehe

De qq forma, para aqueles que não tem tanto contato com a língua, há como disse a Melli, o google tradutor para ajudar.

Infelizmente, não podemos traduzir tudo, mas nós fazemos tudo que está a nosso alcance para manter nosso Blog sempre atualizado e com um conteúdo de boa qualidade no que se refere aos nossos Octetes, pois são eles o FOCO do nosso Blog, com o automobilismo como tema de fundo.

Melli, obrigada!

Bjinhos, Tati

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Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!