"Saku Koivu combined Gillett's and Räikkönen's NASCAR-path" by Heikki Kulta

Saku Koivu combined Gillett's and Räikkönen's NASCAR-path

Turun Sanomat 30.3 2011 23:14:06

Foster Gillett, who lured Kimi Räikkönen into NASCAR-challenges was following his future star driver's grips in the rally in Portugal, which he also attended.

At the same time I got offered a chance to explain some backgrounds to Räikkönen's surprising switch when Gillett gave Turun Sanomat an exclusive interview.

NHL-star Saku Koivu had his share in Gillett and Räikkönen making contact.

– We owned Montreal Canadiens for nine years. I attended every game and lived with the players in both down- and uphills. The most challenging and critical situation I have ever experienced was Saku's battle against cancer.

– At that time we were the team-owners for the first year. I was 23-years old. We didn't know well, Saku and I, but that period connected us very closely. My family did all they could to help Saku win his battle. It was a worthy victory. Saku is alive, he is doing well, he has a wonderful family and still plays magnificently.

– That victory also spiced our eternal friendship and mutual respect. Saku is a skillful leader on ice and a great man as a human being. He gave a face to Canadiens organisation for many years. We went through some rough times but he never lost his will to try. To me Saku is one of the most inspirational sport figures of all times, Gillett praised.

Although both left Montreal they still kept in touch.

– When I came to the NASCAR-circles Saku knew it and called on a regular basis to hear how it goes for us and if he could do something for us.

– Then one day I was thinking what I and our sponsors should do to get forward. The idea of offering Kimi Räikkönen co-operation was born. I didn't know how it would work out in practice so I called Saku. Saku assured me he would be happy to help and he gave me the contact information I needed in order to get in touch with Kimi.

– I called to Finland immediately, we met in Miami and now a few months later we have chosen our joint path and are at the moment looking at the right moves at this point, Gillett said.

– We have made many plans over how to combine Kimi's rally- and NASCAR-schedules. We have really got our feet wet so to say. Lets see how it starts going and how Kimi feels.

Driver-centered racing

Räikkönen's switch to NASCAR offered a news bomb all around the world.

– The sport is its own small world, Gillett thinks.

– Kimi is known all around the world and he is a popular sport star. I hope that Kimi's decision to come over the Atlant to struggle as a pioneer in new challenges also wakes up other top drivers, sponsors and top engineers to follow him.

What does Gillett expect from Räikköen as a NASCAR-driver?

– It will become clear in time. Of course I have my own theory about how it could go.

– When they in Europe talk about over- and understeering, we again use words tight and loose. With a tight the front pushes when you turn into a corner and with a loose the rear again is loose. The more tight, the more physically the driver has to turn the wheel to the corner.

– I know that Kimi has drove on so many different tracks and rallies and slided sideways so often that the looseness will feel very familiar to him. I would assume that he feels quite comfortable in a car like that.

– From what I have understood about Kimi's history he doesn't like a tight car. The situation will become clear in time but I think he will have an advantage of it in the beginning.

– NASCAR is very driver-centered because the cars are almost identical and the difference between the faster and the slower is very small and laptimes are tightly bundled. Therefore the driver makes the difference as long as he gets the right equipment. There is no computer, no telemetry. In NASCAR the driver himself is the computer.

Marketing by driving

Räikkönen's image is a silent Iceman. How will Kimi fit in the American marketing mentality?

– The way you drive talks for itself. You don't have to blabber there. The way you drive and the way others drive against you brings out your character and that fascinates the audience. Kimi is an incredible personality and all our organisations are thrilled over him being part of this program.

– I know Saku's steel character and know its part of his Finnish nature. I believe that Kimi is made of the same wood, Gillett emphasises.

Turun Sanomat, Faro


Fonte: Turun Sanomat/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Muito boa a matéria do Heikki. Ele sempre nos dá a informação que ninguém dá. Vamos ver. Não sei muito o que esperar de tudo isto, mas pelo menos já estamos conhecendo um pouco das pessoas que vão trabalhar com Kimi na Nascar.

Beijinhos, Ludy


fanny disse…
"The way you drive talks for itself" gostei ! Ludy alguns comentários e perguntas. Agora nos sabemos que tudo esse rumor de Nascar tinha fundamentos né, e a visita do Kimi em Miami tbm ! Agora, minha pergunta, fiz umas pesquisas sobre esse Foster Gillett e li uma coisa da qual não gostei, uma entrevista dum antigo parceiro dele, o Ray Evernham, que fala coisas bem desagradaveis. Esse Foster é sério mesmo ? cê tem mais noticias ? vc que segue o Nascar com o Villeneuve, ele é conhecido ? é alguem influente ?
Mais uma vez, queria te falar que vc arrasa nessa cobertura do Kimi e tbm me permitte de segur ele de muito perto, agora que ele saiu da F1 e que as informações sobre ele quase não saem mais na midia. E uma coisa que não tenho certeza que poderia fazer eu mesmo, sozinha, pois o tempo que voce deve consagrar nisso não é brincadeira ! um beijão !
Tiago Marçal disse…
Ludy, duvida, o Kimi vai trocar o WRC pela Nascar ou vai competir nos 2 em paralelo?!
Fanny, também amei esta frase! Pois é menina, este Iceman não dá ponto sem nó! rsrs...
Então, sobre o Foster Gillett. Também li esta entrevista do ex-sócio dele e sobre os problemas que o cara teve. Não sei nada sobre este Foster, só o que vc também sabe e é realmente preocupante, já que ele teve problemas financeiros em todos os locais que passou, mas temos que partir do princípio que Kimi saiba onde está se metendo. rsrs... E além disto, rezar para que tudo dê certo.Por exemplo, o jogador de hockey do artigo deste post não tem o que falar de errado do tal Foster, so... infelizmente amiga agora, mais do que nunca é "let's wait and see". Nossa, eu realmente adotei a filosofia Räikköniana de ser. kkkk
Sigo pouca cisa da Nascar e quando Jacques esteve por lá e nem li sobre este Foster.
Sobre o meu work here. Obrigadinha mesmo pelo carinho e reconhecimento. Kimi toma um pouquinho do meu tempo mesmo, mas não é nada que eu não faça com todo o gosto do mundo! rsrs... O Iceman merece!

Tiago, nesta temporada ele correrá no dois em paralelo. Kimi só participará de mais 8 dos 10 eventos do WRC este ano, então vai sobrar tempo para estar em algumas corridas da Truck Series.

bjs pra vcs


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