Gene: I could race with Kimi and Loeb in 2012

Ok, Loeb já confirmou que não correrá este ano. e pelo jeito nem Kimi, mas ano que vem, sinceramente, eu adoraria ver o Iceman e o multicampeão do rali nestes carros com Gené.

O mais bacana da entrevista é o espanhol enfatizando sua amizade com Kimi. Algumas coisas ficaram do tempo de F1.

Se preferirem, a versão original, em espanhol, está aqui.

I could race with Kimi and Loeb in 2012

Peugeot have unveiled their team for the 24h of Le Mans. It has the same line-up as last season, a line-up where the Spaniard Marc Gené is one of the main stars.

What’s different this season in Le Mans?
Unfortunately, the V12 engines have been banned and now we have 150-200 less horsepower. But we have improved the aerodynamics, chassis and ergonomics, so the car has a very similar behavior to a Formula 1. But Audi will also have a new car and, as always, we will have to take them into consideration. We will also have to see where the “gasoline” Aston Martin will be with the new rules. We would like to forget what happened last year. We were the fastest, but you know what happened.

What about the chance of racing with Räikkönen and Loeb?
It is something very logical, and it could happen in 2012. I had already been told, that if Loeb had raced (in 2011) we would have been team-mates, because we have already worked together in the past, and because he’s out of the ordinary. If Kimi also comes, well, I’m the one who knows him the best. As a matter of fact, he has asked me several times about Le Mans and I have told him that this is the most beautiful race in the world. He’s a very fast driver and he would fit perfectly, as Loeb also would, but we will have to wait until he (Loeb) retires from rallying as rumors say.

What does Alonso think about the new Ferrari?
In the racing world, if you do the best time, that’s indicative. It’s easy to see that the new car was well born, it gives good results and it is reliable. I don’t have much more information about that, but I have a good feeling after what we’ve seen in Valencia. Sleenster/Tradução para o Inglês: Mar

Beijinhos, Ludy


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