Patrick Dempsey e as 24 Horas de Daytona 2011
Quem acompanha o Octeto sabe do nosso carinho pelo ator Patrick Dempsey, que atualmente interpreta o neurocirurgião Derek Shepard, no seriado Grey's Anatomy. E por acompanhar o blog, vocês também já devem ter visto e lido sobre a paixão de Dempsey pelo automobilismo.
Pois bem, na edição deste fim de semana das 24 Horas de Daytona, Depmsey e seus companheiros ficaram com a terceira colocação na categoria GT class, foi o primeiro pódio dele na competição. E ele realmente ficou muito feliz e emocionado com o resultado.
“I think it’s important for our development as a team,” Dempsey said. “The sacrifices Joe has done personally and professionally to get us here; and (engineer) Kirt (Wightman), our team, they have worked so hard the last few months with not the kind of funding that other teams have.”
“You just think of the waves of emotions,” Dempsey said. “I started racing at the Panoz school a long time ago, and Joe was the head instructor and Charles was the instructor, and from that getting off the couch from watching SPEED on Sunday, to go and follow your dreams and to be here, it’s pretty special.”
Pois bem, na edição deste fim de semana das 24 Horas de Daytona, Depmsey e seus companheiros ficaram com a terceira colocação na categoria GT class, foi o primeiro pódio dele na competição. E ele realmente ficou muito feliz e emocionado com o resultado.
“I think it’s important for our development as a team,” Dempsey said. “The sacrifices Joe has done personally and professionally to get us here; and (engineer) Kirt (Wightman), our team, they have worked so hard the last few months with not the kind of funding that other teams have.”
“You just think of the waves of emotions,” Dempsey said. “I started racing at the Panoz school a long time ago, and Joe was the head instructor and Charles was the instructor, and from that getting off the couch from watching SPEED on Sunday, to go and follow your dreams and to be here, it’s pretty special.”
McDreamy é McDreamy né meninas?! hahaha... Até nas pistas de corrida!!! Adoro!!!
Beijinhos, Ludy