Manager confirms to MTV3: Kimi's career will continue

Manager confirms to MTV3: Kimi's career will continue

Räikkönen got some sad news during Christmas when his Matti-dad suddenly died after an illness-attack. According to rumours Kimi put all negotiations in ice and even started to consider stopping his career.

- There has been a lot of talk about it and of course he is sad over his father passing away which is normal. Yet talks about him keeping a break are pure speculation, Robertson told.

Robertson told that he is still negotiating with several quarters. According to some rumours the deal with Citroen might be announced soon.

- I'm pretty sure that Kimi is still in motorsporting, Robertson assured.

The manager didn't want to comment if Räikkönen could possibly drive in some other serie than WRC.

- Kimi is a WDC in F1 so of course Kimi has had other options too. However at this moment we don't have anything to announce, Robertson emphasised.

There might be some news concerning Räikkönen's future to be expected soon.

- We are now in January so I don't think it takes much longer anymore, Robertson promised.

Fonte: MTV3/ Dica-Agradecimento: Claudie/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Se Robertson falou, está falado. Eu acredito nele. Só espero que esta confirmação chegue logo!!Ando ansiosa com isto!!! hahaha...

Beijinhos, Ludy


ju oliveira disse…
ludyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy issso e verdade? se for eu ganhei o melhor presente de aniversário do mundoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ju oliveira
Manu disse…
Se ele diz, a gente confia. \o/

(Pq essas coisas a imprensa não divulga de verdade?)

Unknown disse…
kimi acrescentaria muito a f1! imagina, petrov, pastor, é brincadeira!
Mari Melo disse…
enfim,a luz no fim do túnel!

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