Raikkonen says unlikely to return to Formula One

Raikkonen says unlikely to return to Formula One

(Reuters) - Former world champion Kimi Raikkonen is unlikely to return to Formula One, he was quoted as saying on Saturday.

The Finn, world champion with Ferrari in 2007, quit grand prix racing at the end of last season to compete in the world rally championship with Citroen.

"You never know but I will probably never return to Formula One," the 30-year-old told French sports daily L'Equipe.

"It's something I did for many years, I had many great moments. I won a world championship title, which is what I always wanted, but times have changed. Now I'm in rallying and there are many other things apart from Formula One in life."

Raikkonen would like to compete in the Le Mans 24-hour race.

"I would like to try but you need to find the right team," he said. "If you want to win, there are only two, Peugeot and Audi. One day, I hope, there will be an opportunity."

(Writing by Patrick VignaL, editing by Barry Moody)


Sobre a F1, já falei ontem o que penso (aqui), mas as 24 Horas de Le Mans...eu gosto!!! Embora prefira que ele fique no rally. Enfim...ser fã de Kimi é assim, nunca saber o que ele fará no futuro...hahaha

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


Andrei disse…
Eu gostaria de ver Kimi nas 24 horas de LeMans e tb no rally Dakar
Também curto as 24 Horas, acho que seria legal para ele...Não tinha pensado no Dakar...hahaha...Seria bacana também...o maior rally do mundo!!!


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