Villeneuve enters Indy NASCAR race

Villeneuve enters Indy NASCAR race

Jacques Villeneuve is to return to the NASCAR Sprint Cup for next weekend's Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis.

The 1997 Formula 1 champion and 1995 Indianapolis 500 winner has not competed at NASCAR's top level since a handful of outings in 2007 and '08 with Bill Davis Racing.

He will attempt to qualify Braun Racing's #32 Toyota at Indy after a successful race with the team in the Nationwide Series at Elkhart Lake recently.

"I am very excited to join with Braun Racing and [sponsor] Dollar General at Indianapolis," Villeneuve said.

"We had a very exciting and solid race last month at Elkhart Lake. I had hoped it would result in additional opportunities to drive for the organisation.

"I have a lot of good memories at the Brickyard. Winning the Indy 500 was a very big highlight in my career. This will be my first venture in a stock car there, but I am confident that we will do well."

Team owner Todd Braun was delighted to have Villeneuve in his car for Indianapolis.

"Entering the Brickyard 400 as an owner at this historical track means a lot to me," he said. "It is extra special because I grew up here in Indiana.

"It's also exciting to take a former Indy 500 winner to the Brickyard. He and Trent [Owens, crew chief] work very well together, and I know that Trent is looking forward to the feedback that Jacques can provide him.

"He is an extremely talented driver. Jacques is a great asset to our team."

If Villeneuve qualifies for the race, he will join Juan Pablo Montoya as the only driver to contest all three of Indianapolis' major car racing events - the Indy 500, United States Grand Prix and Brickyard 400.


Oba!!! Próximo fim de semana com Jacques na pista!!!! Espero que ele consiga se classificar para corrida!!! Ele e Montoyucho correndo juntos de novo! Tudo!!! Os dois octetes mais estressadinhos do grupo!!! hahahaha...

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


Biba disse…
Eita lerê vou ter q acompanhar Nascar mais ainda agora com mais vontade q blzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... o Amigo Milton que vai gostar dessa combinação rsrsrsrsrsrs
Tomara mesmo que ele consiga se classificar. Jac está animadinho, né?

Já aproveito para comentar sobre a Villneueve Racing. Jac, amor, desapega, querido. A F1 está cada vez mais complicada ainda mais para equipes novas. Tu, sabe disso melhor que ninguém. Pq não uma equipe na Gp2 ou algo nessa linha, hein? Categoria menor, mais barata e mais divertida nesse sentido. Daqui uns anos Jules já vai ter onde estrear... Pense nisso e não esqueça mesmo das 24 horas de Le Mans. Ainda quero te ver com a estrela que falta.

Bjus, Lu M

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