Räikkönen to MTV3: My Jyväskylä victory may take some time

Räikkönen to MTV3: My Jyväskylä victory may take some time

After Finland's WRC rally MTV3 asked Kimi Räikkönen whether his name will some day be written on the honorable list of Jyväskylä winners. Jari-Matti Latvala was added on that list on Saturday.

After the race Räikkönen almost promised to return to Jyväskylä's gravel roads next year.

-It's very much possible. Nothing is certain but it's a bigger chance than me driving in F1.

Reaching the victory battle in Rally Finland demands previous experience.

-There's fast roads here that one can drive really fast when one knows them. I've noticed that it would be possible to drive a lot faster into many places but that will come after driving them enough. This was one of the most difficult rallies. Rally Finland is well organized and there were a lot of spectators. The feeling is a bit different than in a lot of other places. It was a wonderful experience, Räikkönen said.

Next Räikkönen heads to Germany for rally tests. So he won't participate in Helsinki Motorsport Weekend next week.

MTV3 – Jani Merimaa, Jyväskylä

Fonte: MTV3/Tradução para Inglês: Dracaena

Espero que um dia sua vitória no Rali da Finlândia venha mesmo! Seria demais!!!! Vou continuar na torcida!

Aliás, no meio do texto Kimi dá a dica que sim, provavelmente, seu futuro é o WRC.

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


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Paula Senna Lalli

Feliz Cumpleaños, Fernando!