Kimi partying with Axl Rose

Este Kimi Räikkönen é danado... Falei isto na nova edição do podcast do Octeto que vai ao ar hoje (se tudo dercerto) e agora trago a notícia para vocês.

Vou deixar em inglês e com os cometários de Dracaena (que fez a tradução) , as duas fontes que deram a notícia de Kimi recebendo Axl Rose em sua casa (a de Helsinque) nesta semana. Eu me divirto muito com Räikkönen e suas amizades.


MTV3 reports about Iltasanomat reporting that Kimi partied with Axl Rose and his band on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday they spent time in restaurant Teatteri's VIP section and the party continued at Kimi's house in Kaskisaari (the one he's been trying to sell). Rose and his band (I don't want to call them Guns N' Roses ) are playing in a concert in Helsinki today and according to Ilta-Sanomat Kimi might show up to listen even though he has a work assignment in Austria (we all know what).

Do Iltalehti

Iltalehti (another tabloid) reports that Kimi arrived at restaurant Teatteri's VIP section late on Thursday and partied with members of Guns N' Roses but without Axl Rose. Rose was supposed to join them at some point but at 2 am he still hadn't been seen. Apparently they were behaving themselves, the night went peacefully. Iltalehti had reported earlier that Kimi was going to meet Rose, who is a friend of his, when the band comes to Finland to perform. They say that going to sauna was in the plans. Apparently when the band was in Finland the last time four years ago, Kimi was seen with them in Teatteri on several nights.

Fontes: MTV3 e Iltalehti/Tradução para o Inglês: Dracaena

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


Mah disse…
Ai, só Kimi msm... E ae, cadê alguém tão autêntico na F1? Quem lá é amigo dos caras do Guns N' Roses e do Kiss?! Eu não conheço ng...
larizy KR disse…
sou fã do kimi e do guns n roses amo os dois!!!!!!!!
larizy KR disse…
KIMI é um exemplo de pessoa.

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