Heikki Kulta sobre Alonso e Kimi e a abordagem da mída italiana

Leiam o texto do jornalista Heikki Kulta e tirem suas próprias opiniões. Eu já tenho a minha. Duvido, mas duvido muito, que se fosse Kimi no lugar de Alonso ou Massa hoje na Ferrari (estou me referindo aos dois, que fique bem claro), a mídia italiana não estaria acabando com ele por qualquer erro que ele tivesse. Estaria detonando, como sempre fizeram e ainda o fazem. A mídia da Itália é uma das mais injustas e crueis que existem e com Räikkönen eles foram cirurgicamente maquiavélicos.

Mas enfim, só estou postando este texto porque ele acaba por complementar o que a Tati escreveu hoje sobre os erros de Alonso. Ele fala sobre isto. A entrevista que ele deu ao tal jornalista italiano foi antes da classificação para Turquia.

Alonso's willingness to try makes up for mistakes

There has been discussion in Italy about how badly Kimi Räikkönen would've been attacked by the press had he made the same mistakes as Fernando Alonso has made in his place at Ferrari.

But not everybody agrees on this.

-Kimi is not the media personality that Fernando is, but I still don't think that he woul've gotten any more criticism if those mistakes had happened during his first season, says Marco Evangelisti, an experienced F1 reporter of Corriere dello Sport-magazine.

-But if those kinds of big mistakes were to happen in the beginning of the second season, it would be a different matter. Now Alonso has driven Ferrari for only three months. If he's still making the same kind of mistakes next year, then the criticism will surely be harder.

Evangelisti did a special interview with Alonso in Istanbul Park and it will be published on Saturday. The reporter asked the Spanish star whether the mistakes have been caused by trying too hard to get a good result.

-I've made two visible mistakes – at the start in China and in the practise in Monaco – but that's because I try my all because I want to win this championship. Because Red Bull is at the moment stronger than our car, we as a team – me and my engineer – have to take 110% out of our resources. Then mistakes are unavoidable.

-I believe that Ferrari is still the championship favorite but if we lose at least no-one can say that Fernando Alonso didn't do his all to win it.

Ferrari suddenly changed their mind

Alonso also reveals some details of his move to Ferrari.

-When I left McLarn at the end on the 2007 season, I made it known that I'd be available. But Ferrari had just won both the championships. They didn't need me then as they implied that they had two strong drivers.

-Then the situation changed and last year everything happened fast when Stefano Domenicali first contacted me, a contact happened, a contract happened and then it was made public.

Alonso has nothing bad to say about Räikkönen.

-Kimi is very different to what he is commonly thought to be like. He is a very skillful and talented driver and also a funny guy if we talk about something other than F1, Alonso tells to Corriere dello Sport.

Turun Sanomat, Istanbul


Fonte: Turun Sanomat/Tradução para o Inglês: Dracaena

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


Samy disse…
ai se fosse o Kimi...ele nem orelha mais tinhas, de tantas criticas italianas...


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