É esta a nova carreira de Räikkönen?


The Iceman got to try his wings as an actor when the sponsor DNA's commercial was filmed in Barcelona.

– It wasn't a torturing experience at all but I doubt I'll ever become a character-actor. It will never happen, Kimi laughed.

Kimi isn't planning on becoming an actor when he retires. Yet the experience was fun and left good memories.

– It was a relatively easy day although I say so myself about a thing that has never been close to my heart.

According to Kimi shooting the commercial was remarkably easier than taking care of things in the motorworld.

– Everything was organised really well and people were really helpful and knew what to do. Usually in rally or F1 a thing that takes 30 minutes usually takes 2,5 hours because nobody knows what to do. But this wasn't a torturing experience at all, Kimi praised his sponsor.

DNA's commerciall starred by Kimi has a lot of humour too because they are joking with cheap phone bills. With Kimi's earnings one wouldn't think that phone bills would be any big money-pit; Kimi has earned over 100 million euros during his career.

Fonte:MTV3/Tradução para Inglês: Nicole/ Dica: Anelise

Muito bom...Kimi ator?! Ainda bem que ele é piloto!!!! hahahahahaha....E olhem o cabelão dele!!!! Adoro!!!!Cenas do comercial que ele gravou para o seu patrocinador, a DNA, que é do ramo de telecomunicações na Finlândia.

Beijinhos, Ice-Ludy


Ângela Lima disse…
Esse é aqueles comerciais do tipo: "Assista e tenha um infarto"
Ângela, o objetivo do Iceman é matar algumas fãs até o final da temporada...hahahahaha....D jeito que ele está, é bem capaz de conseguir!!!! hahahaha

bjs, Ludy
Caroline M disse…
"algumas"?? eu diria a metade..hahaha! Amo essa cabelão :D

beijos,Carol M
samy disse…
nossa a cada dia ele esta mais lindo com este cabelo dele... *-*... rsrsrs


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