O cara da poltrona ao lado

Imagine a cena: tu está em um avião lotado e um dos últimos lugares vagos é a poltrona ao seu lado. Eis que um cara lindo e loiro senta-se ali.
Simpática que tu és p
uxa conversa, pergunta como ele se chama e de onde é e tal...
Depois de um momento de silêncio, simpático, também, ele responde que seu nome é Nico Rosberg e que está voltando para casa depois do GP disputado em Indianápolis. Tu conta como gosta de F1 e do primeiro GP que foi e antes de aterrissar ele ainda te dá um cartão autografado.

Sim, tem gente que tem sorte na vida...

Nas minhas andanças de link em link por aí achei esse relato postado em 23 de setembro de 2009 por Iorgus nesse link

Who’s ‘dat young Punk?

So, for obvious reasons Like Formula Uno-itus, eh? My favourite memory O Auntie Harriet has to be about hearing the following story which I originally posted in Indy Day Trippin way back in the summer of twenty-Oh-seven
Calling Auntie Harriet, I was most shocked to hear her story about whod sat next to her on her flight home from Indy.

At the very last moment a young whipper snapper sat down next to her, as it was the last seat on the plane, and noticing that the young German kid with long blond hair had a slightly funny sounding accent. Harriet inquired, so where are you from and what are you doing in America?
After a long pause the kid said. Ja! I am Nico Rosberg! I have just been at Indy to race in the USGP. SHEISA!!! Harriet had to sit next to F1 Williams Rookie driver Nico Rosberg on her flight from Indianapolis to Chicago as this was the only flight poor Messer Rosberg could find in order to make his connections back home to Germany.

Harriet told him how shed just attended her very first Formula 1 race (at 87 years young) and how I was a huge Formula 1 fan Just before landing the young German whod turned 21 during the break between the Canadian and USGP reached for his briefcase and pulled a card out. Then of course neither of them had a pen, so they frantically searched for a writing utensil and finding a pencil. Nico scribbled an autograph onto his race card for Mwah

SHEISA!!! How come I never get to have anybody famous sit next to me, eh?

O scam do cartão autografado

By Lu


Biba disse…
Meu maior sonho seria se isso acontecesse com o Montoya... acho q eu morreria do coração. Ai meus sais hehheh
Ângela Lima disse…
Eu não tenho essa sorte.

Se fosse o Fernando Alonso eu teria infartado.

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