A post for Saima

Saima, relief is the word I would like to use to express what I felt when I finished to read your comments at KRS, today.
It seems that everything you wrote came out of my own head. Since yesterday, when Kimi left the race I was trying to gather all of my thoughts to realize exactly what are our chances now. The answers I was not able to find, my feelings are mixed and my wishes still alive, but sometimes I feel the end is near and I can't do nothing to stop it.

So, what I would like to say (and I use my blog to reach out to you) is thank you for all the words and support you have shown. Your text for the European GP was perfect. When everything is difficult as now I try to read what you write just to feel that we still can believe, and even in this moment, when things are not that good, thank you for remind me what are the reasons I support Kimi and why for me he´s the best. And always will be, no matter what!It's not an easy moment that we're living, but we'll fight until the end, because he deserves our loyalty.
Thank you dear, and if you allow me: Keep Flying Kimi!

Beijinhos, Ludy


Anônimo disse…
Awwwww...Ludy! *hugs*
You´re welcome dear!!!Let's hope for the best, this is our only chance!!

Kisses, Ludy
Anônimo disse…
Vocês duas são maravilhosas.
Kimi não precisaria ter mais nenhum fã.

Ludy amiga, cada dia invejo mais esse seu inglês!
Vc é terrível!

Anônimo disse…
hehehehe...quem me dera meu inglês fosse tão perfeito como vc ahca amiga, vc é suspeita!!! hehehehe

bjs, Ludy
Anônimo disse…
Isso é que é fã de verdade hein. Muito bacana vcs acreditarem no Kimi mesmo nesse momento tão desfavorável. Boa sorte pra vcs e pra ele também.
Anônimo disse…
hehehehe...que isso Carina!!! Nós fãs de Kimi temos por natureza ser assim. hehehehe...Valeu pelas palavras, querida!!!

bjs, Ludy

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