Vem cá, eu te conheço???

A Williams fez uma brincadeira bem bacana com seus pilotos. Na verdade, a idéia já é bem batida, mas mesmo assim, rende, normalmente, uma entrevista engraçada e bem humorada. Foram feitas a Nico perguntas sobre Kazuki e vice-versa. Também deu-se pontos para os acertos e até meios-acertos. Então, divirtam-se com o "desafio" e aproveitem para saber um pouco mais da jovem dupla da Williams. Ao que parece eles se conhecem bem...
Ah! Eu não resisti e fiz uns comentários básicos. Em rosa, claro. rsrsrsrsrs

The Team Mate Challenge

One of the most competitive relationships in Formula One is that between team mates. On the track, they’re each others benchmarks, but we wanted to test ours off the track so we set them a quiz to see how much they know about each other….
So, Nico, you're up first. You're questions about Kazuki:

Q. Kazuki drove in GP2 last year; in what position did he finish the Championship?

Nico: He finished fifth.
A: Fifth is correct. One point, Nico.
Q. In what series did he drive prior to GP2?
Nico: German F3 – the Euroseries.
A: It was the F3 Euroseries, correct again Mr Rosberg.
Q. From what position on the grid did Kazuki start his first Grand Prix?
Nico: It was either 17th, 18th or 19th. I’ll go with 17th.
A: He started in 19th. No gold star for you this time round.
Q. How many points has Kazuki scored for AT&T Williams this season?
Nico: Five up to Turkey.
A: You’re right again, it’s five. Back on track.
Q. Before a race, where would you find Kazuki?
Nico: In his little driver room in the motorhome.
A: He would be relaxing in his driver room. Four out of five…
Q. What’s Kazuki’s favourite method of training?
Nico: It’s running, for sure.
A: Spot on, he likes running outside in nice weather.
Q. You offer to make Kazuki lunch before the race, what would he ask for?

Nico: Some pasta. No, no, hold on! He would ask for some rice.
A: He’d actually ask for some nice Japanese food. Not sure rice would constitute a proper meal, but we’ll give you half a point.
Q. Finish this sentence: After a race Kazuki likes to....
Nico: Get treated by his physio and relax.
A: Kazuki likes to drink a milkshake. Go back a space please Nico. (Ah! que amor Kazu! Melhor só se fosse um Nescauzinho morno...)
Q. What’s Kazuki’s favourite racetrack?
Nico: Probably somewhere where’s he done well? So, Spa?
A: No, Fuji Speedway. And we thought that was an easy one. (Dã, Nico! Era óbvio que seria uma no Japão! Dããã)
Q. You decide that you and Kazuki need to do a bit of bonding away from a GP. What would Kazuki like to do?
Nico: He would like to go and play soccer, followed by doing some training together.
A: Half way there. He’d like you two to play football, and then have a nice dinner together. Nearly there, half a point.
Q. Kazuki has a girlfriend. What’s her name?

Nico: What’s a Japanese girl’s name? Keko? ("Qual o nome da menina japonesa?" me soou meio indelicado.. rsrsrs)
A: She’s called Kiyomi. You weren’t even close!
Q. What car does Kazuki drive?
Nico: A Toyota, for sure. I’m not great on Toyota models, but I’ll guess he drives a very small one. (Muito engraçadinho...rsrsrs)
A: Kaz drives a Toyota Avensis. We’ll give you half a point for the humour.
Q. Where does Kazuki live?
Nico: He lives in Oxford, easy.
A: He does indeed live in Oxford. Correct again.
Q. When’s Kazuki’s birthday?
Nico: January 12th 1985.
A: A day later, 11 January 1985. Close though, awarded half a point.
Nico: That makes him older than me; I didn’t know that!
(Nico, baby, não te apavora mas, acho que só Vettel é mais novo que tu na F1...)
Q. If you were to buy Kaz a birthday present, what do you think he’d like?
Nico: Some new soccer shoes.

A: I think you need to aim a little higher, he said he’d like a private jet!
Nico: He thinks he’s getting that from me?! (Kazu é fogo! Vejam o que ele daria ao Nico)

Kazuki on Nico:
Q. At what race, and in what year, did Nico make his Formula One debut?
Kazuki: It was in 2006, at the Bahrain GP.
A: 100% correct, 2006 Bahrain. Nice start...
Q. For which team did Nico drive in GP2 (bonus point if you can tell us his team-mate’s name)?
Kazuki: ART, with Alex Premat.
A: ART, Alexandre Premat. Correct, Kazuki, go to the top of the class. (nem eu lembrava o companheiro dele na GP2.. fiquei com vergonha do japoquinha)
Q. Nico secured his first F1 podium in Australia ’08. From what grid position did he start the race?
Kazuki: I think 7th?
A: It was actually 8th. Close, but no cigar, I’m afraid.
Q. At what race did Nico score his first points for the team?
Kazuki: Bahrain ’06.
A: You’re back on track, it was Bahrain 2006. Excellent.
Q. Where did Nico finish the 2007 World Drivers’ Championship?
Kazuki: I think 9th.
A: 9th is the right answer, you’re level pegging with Nico.
Q. Before a race, where would you find Nico?
Kazuki: In the back of the garage?
A: He’d be warming up in the garage. We’ll let you have that one.
Q. What’s Nico’s favourite method of training?
Kazuki: I would say football, but that’s not really training. So I’ll say running.
A: Running is indeed Nico’s favourite way to train. These questions are too easy.
Q. You offer to make Nico lunch before the race; what would he ask for?
Kazuki: Ummm...pasta?
A: He’d love some pasta. You two could be brothers. (Mas quem no mundo não ama massa? (a comida não Feliprincipe, claro))
Q. Finish this sentence: After a race, Nico likes to...
Kazuki: Eat a banana – he always does that.
A: He eats Frosties! Which he obviously does in private when his trainer’s not looking!
Q. What’s Nico’s favourite racetrack?
Kazuki: It must be Monaco.
A: You’re wrong. It’s Malaysia. You’re forgiven for thinking he’d pick his home GP though!
Q. You decide that you and Nico need to do a bit of bonding away from the racetrack; what would Nico like to do?
Kazuki: With me? Maybe take a trip somewhere like the Caribbean. (Esse japa é muito playboy só pensa em coisas caras! rsrsrsrsrs)
A: He’d actually prefer to go to Ibiza on a boat but we’ll give you half a point for bringing travel into the equation.
Q. What’s the name of Nico’s girlfriend?
Kazuki: I should know this because I met her for the first time at the Williams Christmas party last year! I’m sure Nico introduced me. It’s something like Vivienne, or Vivian?
A: Her name is indeed Vivian. Pleased you know the name of his! (notaram? nenhumd eles acerta o nome da namorada do outro...)
Q. What car does Nico drive?
Kazuki: I know that it’s an Audi. An A4 or A5?
A: Nico drives an Audi RS4. Half a point.
(mal de carro o lorinho... Mas, não comprem o dele. Ano passado a mala ralou as rodas na garagem de casa que eu bem sei...)
Q. When’s Nico’s birthday?
Kazuki: It’s June 1985; is it the 17th?
A: Nearly there, it’s 27 June 1985. Another half a point though for you.
Q. If you were to buy Nico a present, what would he want?
Kazuki: A yacht? (Viram??? Viram??? Nico queria dar um par de chuteiras para ele e o japoquinha queria um Jatinho. Agora ele quer comprar um Yatch??? Não quero ser convidada para o aniversário desse japoquinha nunquinha..rsrsrsrs)
A: A go kart. How could you get that wrong?!

So…time for the total scores:
Nico: 8 out of 15
Kazuki: 10.5 out of 15
Congratulations Kazuki, one up on your team mate and one point to you for the team mate mind game, perhaps?!

By Lu


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