Kimi responde aos fãs

Oi galerinha? Estou aqui para postar uma entrevista bem bacana com o Campeão Kimi, feita pelos fãs. Na realidade, o jornal italiano "La Gazzetta dello Sport" pediu que os fãs do piloto mandassem perguntas para que ele respondesse, e o resultado deste entrevista segue para vocês. A fonte da entrevista em inglês foi o Kimi Räikkönen Space.

Kimi answers the fans - 25/01/2008 - La Gazzetta dello Sport

Q: Who do you fear more at the start of the season, Alonso or your teammate Massa ? Raikkonen: ''They will both certainly be amongst the biggest rivals. But they won't be the only ones. There's Hamilton and Kovalainen. On track I comply with a simple rule: I'm not afraid of anyone but I respect everyone. Obviously with maximum fair play and correctness. I think that also in 2008 Ferrari and McLaren will fight for the title but we'll have to see what Renault and BMW Sauber can do, they're definately improving and are to be expected (at the front). You'll see, it will be a great championship and we will have fun.''

Q: The best Grand Prix' come to life in difficult conditions, like rain. Don't you think there's too much emphasis on the safety ? Raikkonen: ''I think the safety should remain the absolute priority and it's not like the races are boring because we're careful in the car: in the cockpit you only think about going faster than the others. There are reasons why there is little overtaking and the FIA is working on this to improve it from 2009 onwards.''

Q: Will the new regulations bring more action on track without 90% of the races being decided by refuelling ? And what about the night race, don't you think it's a bit too dangerous for you drivers ? Raikkonen: ''I don't think many things can change, we must wait till the 2009 championship when the cars will be substantially different because of the aerodynamic regulations. As far as the night races are concerned, I don't think we'll have problems adapting to the different circumstances, our collegues on the bike managed to do it.''

Q: Will there be less competition with the ban on traction control ? Raikkonen: ''The best drivers and teams will remain in front of the rest. It was the same in 2001 when it was reintroduced. After four races the ones that were in front stayed there.''

Q: What do you think of the theory that this generation of drivers is inferior to that from the times of Senna, Prost and Schumacher ? Raikkonen: ''I'm of the opinion you cannot make (such) comparisons. You really cannot compare the protagonists from different Formula 1 eras. In any case I think this question is made to every generation of drivers: to Senna and Prost concerning Stewart and Lauda and to Schumacher concerning the same Senna and Prost. It goes like this for years. It's this kind of discussion the people like but they will never find an answer to it.''
Q: What's your opinion of Senna and Prost ? Raikkonen: ''They were exceptional drivers. I can't judge how they were as a person because I've never known them.''

Q: Did you ever think you would never have won the title in case Schumacher was still driving ? Raikkonen: ''No, because no-one exists that is unbeatable. In the past it already happened twice I came very close to clinching the title with McLaren but it didn't happen because the car wasn't reliable enough. In any case I don't like making comparisons between me and Schumacher, not as a driver nor as a person. Every human being is different from another. (But) we're certainly similar in terms of our passion for racing.''

Q: What has changed in your working method compared to your time at McLaren ? Raikkonen: ''They are both very strong teams but different in many aspects but I'm not going to make comparisons on specific things. Certainly, at Ferrari there's more 'warmth', I feel more part of the family... And then the podium at Monza, so much emotion. The Italian fans are the best in the world.''

Q: There are millions of tifosi all over the world. Monza is crowded with Ferrari fans. What does the Iceman feel sitting in his car ? Raikkonen: ''First of all I am lucky because my work and passion coincide. Being a Ferrari driver is special, something different, especially in Italy. It's true, standing on the podium at Monza is fantastic: I was there in 2006 with Schumacher, when he announced his retirement, a year later I stood there again as a Ferrari driver. This time I hope to be on the highest step of the podium in Monza !''

Q: What did you think when, half way through the season, Hakkinen said you had made the wrong choice going to Ferrari ? Raikkonen: ''Also during the most difficult moments I remained convinced of my choice. At Ferrari I've found a fantastic atmosphere and a team that is at the absolute top of its game in terms of competitiveness. They made me find the joy to race in Formula 1 again. And as everyone could see, Hakkinen to begin with, in the end my choice turned out to be a winning one.''

Q: What other sports apart from motorracing and snowboarding do you like ? Football ? What would you have done if hadn't become a racing driver ? Raikkonen: ''I like all every sort of motor-racing whereas in terms of teamsport I love icehockey, which is a very popular game in Scandivian countries. Perhaps I would have liked to be a hockey player and as a boy I was pretty good at it, but the training sessions were much too early in the morning and I love to sleep ! Anyway, motorsport in general, and as far as I'm concerned, Formula 1 is the top. I've already had great satisfaction here. And I will continue to drive for as long as I enjoy doing it.''
Q: Is there a track that fascinates you more than the others ? Raikkonen: ''I like Spa and Suzuka a lot, but I also love driving through the streets of Monaco.''

Q: Why do you struggle to laugh ? Raikkonen: ''I don't struggle but, you know, everyone expresses his emotions in the way that comes most natural. It would be a lot worse if I were laughing every minute. And then the people that know me know that I do laugh, you bet.''

Q: What road car do you drive ? Raikkonen: ''Usually an Alfa Romeo 159.''

Q: Apart from aiming for a second title, will you be learning Italian ? Raikkonen: ''I already know some words but it's difficult to find the time to learn a new language. And in the team we often speak English considering there are a lot of people from different countries.''
Q: Do your mechanics teach you the Italian anthem ? Raikkonen: ''No, they knew that I sing false !''

Q: Do you do rituals before the start of the race to prevent bad luck ? Raikkonen: ''No, no gestures or rituals, I try to sleep as much as possible.''

Q: Have you ever thought to eliminate a rival during a race ? Raikkonen: ''No, never.''

Q: How come Finland has so many good drivers ? Raikkonen: ''Perhaps because we have to drive in difficult conditions for most part of the year due to the climate.''

Q: What's it like driving faster than 300 km/h in a Formula 1 car ? Raikkonen: ''I like the speed, it's pure adrenaline in any car.''

Q: How do you feel just before the start of a race ? Raikkonen: ''It's a special moment, you try to find total concentration for the start, there's no room for any other thought or emotion.''

Comentários básicos: concordo plenamente com ele sobre estas comparações entre pilotos de gerações diferentes. Não há fundamento, épocas e carros completamente distintos. Outra resposta que gostei foi quando ele fala que não gosta de se comparar com o Schumacher, pois são pilotos e pessoas diferentes. Kimi tem personalidade, eu gosto disso. Adoro, para dizer a verdade!!!
Ainda adorei o que ele falou sobre Hakkinen, sobre estar na Ferrari, se sentir parte de uma família. E para encerrar, adorei a resposta sobre porque ele não ri Campeão é danadinho, danadinho... hehehehehe
Enfim...amei a entrevista, mas sou mega-ultra-hiper suspeita...hehehehehehe

Beijinhos para todos, e quem quiser a versão em italiano, está aqui, em duas partes, 1 e 2.



Anônimo disse…
legal a idéis da entrevista...
os fãs perguntarem p/ ele responder!!!

AH!! O Hakkinen é Mclaren ROXO!! AZUL!!! PRATA!!!!!! TODAS AS CORES! E não é amigo do Kimi ...
esperar o que dele então??

Schumacher e kimi são bem diferentes sim...
graças a Deus!!!


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